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What is Data Literacy ?


What is Data Literacy ?

Pembuat: 365 Data Science Tutorials

Data Literacy is an absolute must for anyone who wants to be successful in today’s business word. When we say that someone is data literate this means they have the necessary competencies to work with data. In other words, data literacy is the ability to read, understand and communicate data as information.

A good analogy is with wine connoisseurs who can assess and analyze wine without much bias. To be able to do that, they go through formal training to educate themselves on the intricacies of wine. Throughout the process they learn about tangent subjects such as chemistry, geology, geography history and wine making.

In the end however, they do not become wine makers themselves. The same is for data consumers who require some basic education on how to use data to answer common questions. They need to know about different fields such as mathematics statistics and machine learning. However, they do not need to go through a comprehensive data science training.

They need to be data literate and have the ability to:
Articulate a problem that can be solved with data Understand the data sources used
Check the adequacy and fitness of data involved
Interpret the results of an analysis and extract insights
Make decisions based on the insight
Explain the business value generated with a use case

Watch till the end of this data science tutorial to find out what are the key questions a data literate person must be able to answer and why do we need data literacy.