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The Importance of AI Literacy in Society | Armen Kherlopian


The Importance of AI Literacy in Society | Armen Kherlopian

Pembuat: TEDx Talks & Armen Kherlopian

With AI transforming every aspect of our lives, we need to develop AI literacy. In this talk, Dr. Armen Kherlopian explains the importance of AI literacy for the future of our society and what steps we need to take on the path to becoming AI literate.

Dr. Armen Kherlopian serves on the Scientific Advisory Board of the Translational Research Institute for Space Health (TRISH). The institute supports NASA in researching and developing innovative approaches to reduce risks to humans on long-duration exploration missions, including NASA's Journey to Mars. At TRISH Dr. Kherlopian focuses on how to adapt innovations in data processing and Artificial Intelligence to improve mission outcomes. Dr. Kherlopian is an accomplished Biophysicist, having made scholarly contributions in the areas of electrophysiology and human-computer interfaces. As a scientist, he has a strong interest in fostering research to support the development of science-based economies. His current research focus is on Machine Perception and the impact of AI in society. Dr. Kherlopian also has tremendous industry experience that includes Global Fortune 100 Companies, startups, and government organizations such as the FDA. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at