(noun) /'gæl.ər.i/
refers to a space dedicated to the exhibition and display of art, often featuring paintings, sculptures, or other visual works. Galleries serve as platforms for researcher to showcase their creations, and they also provide opportunities for the public to appreciate and learn about art and science.

Koleksi Gallery Pilihan Kami
Pembuat: Naafa Naafiatul Insi S.S.I & Lia Fitri Auliah S.S.I
Dibuat pada: 2022-12-19
Pengelola : Pusat Pengelolaan Pengetahuan UNPAD
Pembuat: Belum ada data
Dibuat pada: Tidak diketahui
Pengelola : Pusat Pengelolaan Pengetahuan UNPAD
Pembuat: Annisa Yuniar, S.I.Pus. & Saskia Dwi Indriani
Dibuat pada: 2024-06-12
Pengelola : Pusat Pengelolaan Pengetahuan Universitas Padjadjaran
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