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The Linkage of Digital Transformation and Tourism Development Policies...

Windi Dwi Nanda

Perpustakaan Universitas Padjadjaran

Kata Kunci

digital transformation, tourism policy, content analysis; policy, COVID-19

The Linkage of Digital Transformation and Tourism Development Policies in Indonesia from 18792022: Trends and Implications for the Future

Windi Dwi Nanda - 170110190061

Fakultas Ilmu Sosial & Ilmu Politik


This research analyzes digital transformation and tourism development in Indonesia based on policies issued by the central government. The policy was issued in the period 1879–2022, or, precisely, during the Dutch colonial period in Indonesia until the COVID-19 pandemic. This study aims to analyze digital transformation policies and tourism policies in Indonesia that are historically linked, as well as their implications for the future. We analyze the trends and times of the COVID-19pandemic and their implications for the future. The method used in this research is content analysis by analyzing policy texts quantitatively (number of policies in a certain time) and qualitatively (topics and content). The dataset obtained for analysis in this research contains 87 policies on digital transformation and tourism development with various forms of policies. This study found a linkage between digital transformation policies and tourism development, especially tourism development policies toward digital transformation. In addition, during the COVID-19 period, both policies reached the highest number compared to previous years. This allows for more supportive policies to be born in the coming years and implies opportunities for establishing policies on the use of technology in tourism management.


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The Linkage of Digital Transformation and Tourism Development Policies in Indonesia from 18792022: Trends and Implications for the Future

This research analyzes digital transformation and tourism development in Indonesia based on policies issued by the central government. The policy was issued in the period 1879–2022, or, precisely, during the Dutch colonial period in Indonesia until the COVID-19 pandemic. This study aims to analyze digital transformation policies and tourism policies in Indonesia that are historically linked, as well as their implications for the future. We analyze the trends and times of the COVID-19pandemic and their implications for the future. The method used in this research is content analysis by analyzing policy texts quantitatively (number of policies in a certain time) and qualitatively (topics and content). The dataset obtained for analysis in this research contains 87 policies on digital transformation and tourism development with various forms of policies. This study found a linkage between digital transformation policies and tourism development, especially tourism development policies toward digital transformation. In addition, during the COVID-19 period, both policies reached the highest number compared to previous years. This allows for more supportive policies to be born in the coming years and implies opportunities for establishing policies on the use of technology in tourism management.


digital transformation, tourism policy, content analysis; policy, COVID-19

Thu Aug 31 2023 15:43:13 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)


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APA Style

Nanda , W. D. (2023). The Linkage of Digital Transformation and Tourism Development Policies in Indonesia from 18792022: Trends and Implications for the Future. Fakultas Ilmu Sosial & Ilmu Politik Universitas Padjadjaran

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