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Laudza Nurfauziah Suryanegara

Perpustakaan Universitas Padjadjaran

Kata Kunci

Smoking Behavior,Teenagers,Indonesia


Laudza Nurfauziah Suryanegara - 130110200039

Fakultas Kedokteran


Smoking behavior is a current health problem affecting many age populations including teenagers in Indonesia. Knowledge of the characteristics of teenagers who smoke is important as Indonesia is dealing with demographic bonus. Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas) – a national collecting data – describes smokers in Indonesia however still has limitation regarding the characteristic of teenage smokers. Hence, this article aims to determine the characteristics of smoking behavior in teenagers aged 10-19 years in Indonesia with a quantitative descriptive observational study through a re-analysis of the 2013 and 2018 Riskesdas data. The results showed that teenage smokers increased from 2013 to 2018 with majority of smokers in 2013 aged 15-19 years, male, graduated from junior high school, lived in a rural area, smoked every day, the age at first smoking (UPM) 15-19 years old, and white cigarettes as the type of cigarette smoked, while 2018 teenage smokers had the same characteristics as 2013 except for occasional smoking characteristics, UPM 10-14 years, the frequency is often near people who smoke, kretek cigarettes as a type of cigarette smoked, as well as the category of light smokers. This study concluded that there was an increase and changing in smoking behavior among teenagers aged 10-19 years in Indonesia in 2018 compared to 2013. This research still requires further in-depth study.


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Smoking behavior is a current health problem affecting many age populations including teenagers in Indonesia. Knowledge of the characteristics of teenagers who smoke is important as Indonesia is dealing with demographic bonus. Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas) – a national collecting data – describes smokers in Indonesia however still has limitation regarding the characteristic of teenage smokers. Hence, this article aims to determine the characteristics of smoking behavior in teenagers aged 10-19 years in Indonesia with a quantitative descriptive observational study through a re-analysis of the 2013 and 2018 Riskesdas data. The results showed that teenage smokers increased from 2013 to 2018 with majority of smokers in 2013 aged 15-19 years, male, graduated from junior high school, lived in a rural area, smoked every day, the age at first smoking (UPM) 15-19 years old, and white cigarettes as the type of cigarette smoked, while 2018 teenage smokers had the same characteristics as 2013 except for occasional smoking characteristics, UPM 10-14 years, the frequency is often near people who smoke, kretek cigarettes as a type of cigarette smoked, as well as the category of light smokers. This study concluded that there was an increase and changing in smoking behavior among teenagers aged 10-19 years in Indonesia in 2018 compared to 2013. This research still requires further in-depth study.


Smoking Behavior,Teenagers,Indonesia

Thu Aug 24 2023 15:46:46 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)


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APA Style

Suryanegara , L. N. (2023). SMOKING BEHAVIOR AMONG INDONESIAN TEENAGERS. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

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