Inefisiensi pengadaan tanah untuk kepentingan umum (Studi kasus pembangunan Waduk Jatigede di Kabupaten Sumedang) Infficency of land procurement for public interest ( A Case of Jatigede Recservoir Development in Sumedang Regency)
(Studi Kasus Pembangunan Waduk Jatigede di Kabupaten Sumedang)
Tujuan utama kebijakan pengadaan tanah adalah penyediaan tanah yang dibutuhkan
untuk pembangunan dalam lokasi yang tepat, pada saat yang tepat dan dengan harga yang wajar.
Pengadaan tanah untuk pembangunan Waduk Jatigede bagi kepentingan umum terdapat
ketidakseimbangan dalam pelaksanaannya. Berdasarkan hasil observasi peneliti melihat banyak
sekali permasalahan yang terjadi diantaranya pengadaan tanah benyak mengeluarkan regulasi,
pelaksaaan cukup lama, dan biaya yang dikeluarkan cukup besar. Untuk itu peneliti tertarik
melakukan penelitian lebih lanjut, dengan fokus penelitian pada bagaimana efisiensi dan
dampak dalam pengadaan tanah untuk pembangunan Waduk Jatigede di Kabupaten Sumedang.
Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui efisiensi dan dampak ganti rugi dalam
pengadaan tanah untuk kepentingan umum pada pembangunan Waduk Jatigede di Kabupaten
Peneliti menggunakan teori E. Bardach, untuk menentukan kriteria administrative
operability (authority, institutional commitmen, capability, organizational support), Sementara
untuk mengetahui dampak kebijakan peneliti menggunakan teori Thomas R. Dye,
diantaranya:The impact on the target situations or group; The impact on situations or groups
other than the target (“spoilover effect”); Its impact on future as well as immediate conditions;
Its direct cost, in term of resources devote to the program; Its indirect cost, including loss of
opportunities to do other things.Metode dan pendekatan penelitian yang dilakukan dengan
metode penelitian kualitatif dan kuantitaif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Metode pengumpulan
datanya melalui metode observasi, wawancara semistruktur dan dokumentasi. Teknik pemilihan
informan menggunakan teknik purposive dan keabsahan data dengan triangulasi data.
Hasil penelitian yang ini dengan menggunakan pendekatan kriteria administrative
operability tidak memenuhi kriteria secara optimal sehingga berdampak pada: The impact on the
target situations or group; The impact on situations or groups other than the target (“spoilover
effect”); Its impact on future as well as immediate conditions; Its direct cost, in term of
resources devote to the program; Its indirect cost, including loss of opportunities to do other
things. Dapat disimpulkan terjadinya inefisiensi pengadaan tanah untuk pembangunan Waduk
Jatigede dilihat dari banyaknya regulasi yang dikeluarkan dan berpengaruh pada pelaksanaan,
pelaksanaan pengadaan tanah yang memakan waktu cukup panjang dan biaya yang dikeluarkan
sangat besar untuk pengadaan tanah.
Kata Kunci: Kriteria Evaluasi Kebijakan, Evaluasi Dampak Kebijakan, Inefisiensi, Pengadaan
Tanah, Waduk Jatigede.
(A Case Study of Jatigede Reservoir Development in Sumedang Regency)
The main objective of land procurement policy is the provision of land needed for
development at the right location, at the right time and at a reasonable price. There is imbalance
in land procurement implementation of Jatigede Reservoir development for public interest.
Based on the observations, researcher found a lot of problems that occuredduring the
procurement such as many regulations issuedduring land procurement, long time
implementation, and high costs procurement. For that reason, researcher was interested in
conducting further research focusing on the efficiency and impact of land procurement for the
development of Jatigede Reservoir in Sumedang Regency. This research was conducted in order
to know the efficiency and impact of compensation in land procurement of public interest for
Jatigede Reservoir development in Sumedang Regency.
The researcher used E. Bardach’s theory to determine operability criteria (authority,
institutional commitment, capability, organizational support). In addition, Thomas R. Dye’s
theory was applied to find out the impact of policy. The theory is: The impact on the target
situations or group; The impact on situations or groups other than the target (“spoilover
effect”); Its impact on future as well as immediate conditions; Its direct cost, in term of
resources devote to the program; Its indirect cost, including loss of opportunities to do other
things. The research was conducted using qualitative and quantitative research methodwith
descriptive approach. Data were collected through observation, semistructured interview and
documentation. The informants were selected using purposive sampling. The data validity was
checked by data triangulation.
The result of the research using administrative operabilitycriteria reveals that land
procurement does not meet the criteria optimally. Therefore, it has impact on : The impact on the
target situations or group;The impact on situations or groups other than the target (“spoilover
effect”); Its impact on future as well as immediate conditions; Its direct cost, in term of
resources devote to the program; Its indirect cost, including loss of opportunities to do other
It can be concluded that inefficiency occured in land procurement of Jatigede Reservoir
considering many regulations issued during land procurement and their impact on the
implementation, long time implementation of land procurement, and high costs procurement.
Keywords: Criteria of policy evaluation, policy impact evaluation, inefficiency, land
procurement, Jatigede reservoir
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