PENGARUH KOMUNIKASI PEMASARAN TERINTEGRASI DAN KEPERCA YAAN MEREK TERHADAP KOMITMEN MEREK . (SURVEY PADA PENGGUNA JASA POS EXPRESS Dl PT. POS INDONESIA KOTA BANDUNG) {The effect of Integrated Marketing Communication and Brand Trust on Brand Commitment (Survey on Users ofPos Express Service of PT. Pos Indonesia in Bandung city)}
PT. Pos Indonesia is' a State Owned Enterprise (SOE/BUMN) in
Indonesia that operates in the courier industry. The current development of the
communications and telecommunications industry has had a major impact on the
courier industry, especially on letters and packages. This resulted in the decline in
the company's business performance from 2000 to 2007. In 2009, Pos Indonesia
conducted internal and business transformation in order to compete. The decline in
the performance affectedthe consumers' brand trust and commitment. The company
conducted marketing communications to foster relationships and restore consumer
trust. Marketing communication and the increase in the consumers' trust can lead to
consumers' commitment to the Pos Indonesia brand. The purpose of this research is
to find out the effect of Integrated Marketing Communication and Brand Trust on
Brand Commitment. The research method used in this research is descriptive and
verificative. A survey was conducted on 300 Pos Express users in Bandung city. The
results of this research indicate that there is a positive influence between Integrated
Marketing Communication and Brand Trust on Brand Commitment. Based on the
results, Integrated Marketing Communications have a stronger influence than Brand
Trust. In addition, Integrated Marketing Communication and Brand Trust
simultaneously have a positive effect on Brand Commitment.
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