Makna tri tangtu di buana yang mengandung aspek komunikasi politik dalam fragmen carita parahyangan
Rangga Saptya Mohamad Permana, 210120120028, 2014. The Meaning
ofTri Tangtu di Buana that Contain Political Communication Aspect in Fragmen
Carita Parahyangan: A Hermeneutics Studies about the Meaning ofTri Tangtu di
Buana as Three Institutional in Sundanese Kingdom that Contain Political
Communication Aspects based on Sundanese Ancient Manuscript Fragmen Carita
Parahyangan. Chairman of the Supervising Committee, Dr. Suwandi Sumartias,
MSi., and Member of the Supervising Committee, Dr. Mumuh Muhsin z., MHum.
Faculty of Communication. Padjadjaran University.
This study aims to determine the sentence construction that contains Tri
Tangtu di Buana text in Fragmen Carita Parahyangan (PCP), to determine the
historical elements of Tri Tangtu di Buana text in Fragmen Carita Parahyangan
(FCP), to determine the social elements ofTri Tangtu di Buana text in Fragmen
Carita Parahyangan (PCP), to determine the relationship ofTri Tangtu di Buana
text in Fragmen Carita Parahyangan (PCP) with other texts, and to know the
meaning of Tri Tangtu di Buana text in reader's mind. This study used a
qualitative approach with Paul Ricoeur's hermeneutic analysis method. Data
were obtained from the ancient Sundanese manuscripts FCP, observations and
interviews in Baduy. Subjects of this study focused on parts of FCP manuscript
that discusses Tri Tangtu di Buana, especially those containing political
communication activities within the Sundanese Kingdom, so as to reveal the
meanings implied in it.
The general conclusions is, Tri Tangtu di Buana that consisting of prebu,
rama, and resi in the ancient Sundanese manuscript Fragmen Carita Parahyangan
(FCP) is a three institutions that simultaneously hold the leadership roles in
Sundanese Kingdom; these three have different rights and obligations in
Sundanese Kingdom, which contains the activities of political communication in
two events, that is distribution of power and distribution of territory events. The
distribution of powers events contained in the FCP sheets 7b - 8a, while the
distribution of territories events laid down in sheets 25a - 3b. Text producer aims
to record and inform the political events that occurred within the scope of the Tri
Tangtu di Buana
The text ofTri Tangtu di Buana communicated among the elite holders of
the Sundanese Kingdom. The holders of Sundanese Kingdom (fri Tangtu di
Buana) makes the FCP's text parts as a guide for performing their duties and
responsibilities in accordance with their respective positions. There are close
linkages ofTri Tangtu di Buana concept between sheets 7b-8a and sheets 4b-5a in
FCP, linkages between sheets 25a-3b and sheet 8b - 9b in FCP, linkages between
Tri Tangtu di Buana in Fragmen Carita Parahyangan (FCP) and Tri Tangtu di
Buana in Amanat Galunggung (AG), a linkages between Tri Tangtu di Buana
concept, Tri Buana concept and ''Tiga Rahasia" concept, and pamwatan as a
function of central government control to the authority that the region that lies in
the Fep sheets 6a - 7b (with examples of implementation in Baduy indigenous
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