Komunikasi simbol idielogi fraksi partai keadilan sejahtera....
Keadilan Sejahtera Party view that the executive, legislature and judiciary in
Indonesia became the nest coruptions, collutions, nepotisme, so need to step to the
realization of reform Government Cleaning. Can not be denied any member of the
legislature in parliament tried to menstranformasikan values and ideology that
they profess. In the activities of political communication in familiar term political
socialization: R.S. Signal (in Aaron and Sumamo, 2006: 81), In the 2009 general
election the Keadilan Sejahtera Party uses the slogan "Clean, Caring and
Professional". The slogans is reinforced by the Keadilan Sejahtera Party 2005-
2010 vision: "Be a Sturdy Da'wah Party for Serving and Leading the Nation".
(Zaidi, 2007: 4). From the background study researchers tried to determine
whether the symbol of the ideological Keadilan Sejahtera Party fraction verbal
and non verbal at the Parliament of West Java province and how to construct
Keadilan Sejahtera Party fraction in Symbolic Interaction concepts of George
Herbert Mead.
The theory used in this qualitative research is the Social Action (Weber),
phenomenology (Schutz), symbolic interaction (George Herbert Mead), and
Political Communication.
Implementation ideology symbol well be Keadilan Sejahtera Party fraction
communicated verbally and non verbally. Keadilan Sejahtera Party fraction
verbal ideological symbols in West Java Province in the form of slogans
menimplementasikan Clean Care, Professional, Party, Justice, Welfare, symbol
Keadilan Sejahtera Party. While translating the ideological symbol of other nonĀ
verbal inter hijab is identity for Muslim politicians, from the Sunnah beard
Symbols For Keadilan Sejahtera Party faction, Prohibition of Cigarettes in the
Haram Keadilan Sejahtera Party fraction, Music Murotalan Conditioning Strains
Heart, Jewelry not intended for Men, Inconsistency Left (Left Polikronik) . Gait
Keadilan Sejahtera Party fraction legislators in the West Java Provincial
Parliament in the mission if the mission is associated with the concept of symbolic
interaction of George Herbert Mead himself actions, objects, social interaction
and collective action seen from the attitude, deeds and words. Researchers create
model of communication that is based on field observations.
Researchers believe the performance of legislators in the Parliament of West Java
Province have increased from year to year. Their actions in parliament must be
able to give a good example 10 society. Legislature in Wesl Java Province more
ideally show alignments 10 society and not some elite group.
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