Rancangan modul resolusi konflik pada pasangan suami istri dalam menjalankan pernikahan
Vina Oktaviana. Design training modules of "Design Module Conflict Resolution
In Married Couple in Bandung" for the married couple. The design of training
modules are preceded by measurements of the forms of conflict resolution they
have. The results of these measurements are used as a basis for design training
modules for married couples. Variables used in this study were ten dimensions
Conflict Resolution, which is focus on the issue, expressing positive and negative
feelings, disclose information publicly, receive error together, put the equations,
focusing on people and feelings, expressing negative feelings, disclose
information selective, bring up past mistakes, and emphasize the differences. The
design of this conflict resolution training module is a study using a descriptive
study. Methodologically, the purpose of this research is to create a description or
picture of a systematic, factual and accurate information about the facts, which are
used as a basis for designing the learning module as a form of intervention.
Subjects in this study were twenty-four married couples which is fall into two
categories, twenty-marriage couples Non-Violence, and four married couples of
domestic violence. All of them are taken by purposive sampling. Measurement
used in the form of questionnaires and interviews compiled by researchers, is used
to retrieve data on twenty-four married couples. Measurement data is grouped and
classified through the calculation of quantitative and qualitative. Based on the data
obtained the formulation of needs, found out that all the married couple takes a
matter of learning constructive conflict resolution in marriage relationships. Base
on result then drafted the design of conflict resolution training modules that cater
for married couples to avoid the occurrence of domestic violence can lead to
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