Konstruksi makna Dan Komunikasi Nabi Baru Mirza Ghulam Ahmad ; Studi Fenomenologi Jemaat Ahmadiyah Di Bandung
This study aims to assess and disclose the construction of meaning about the death of
the Prophet Isa, the decline in the last days of Jesus Christ of intangible Mirza Ghulam
Ahmad, and a new declaration of prophethood of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. Mirza Ghulam
Ahmad as new prophet communicates himself to his followers and the public through the
mass media in the form of books and articles in the media, which was later developed by his
successors, Caliph of the Ahmadiyya with electronic media, television is broadcast
Qualitative research methods now on, the post-positivistic paradigm, using the
approach of Phenomenology and Symbolic Convergence. The research location in Bandung,
Cimahi, Bogor, West Java, Singapore, London, England and Qadian, India and Kashmir,
India. Results of interviews supported by the data, and literature.
The subjects of this study, Khalifatul Masih V Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Amir National
Ahmadiyah Indonesia (JA!) in Bogor, West Java in Bandung JA! Chairman, the Chairman
and 34 members JA! JA! Bandung in Bandung. Governor of West Java, Bandung Mayor,
Chairman of the Central Board of the Union of Islam (Persis), Chairman of Muhammadiyah
Jabar, Chairman of the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) Bandung and Chairman of the Indonesian
Ulama Council (MUI) in Bandung.
The results showed that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, construct meaning based on the
Quranand the Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad and the Bible as well as books by the author
ofIslam and non-Muslim, in order to strengthen the argument that he is the incarnation of the
Prophet Isa. According to Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the Prophet Isa did not die on the cross.
Jesus Christ traveled until his death in Srinagar, Kashmir, India.
Jesus Christ who has died will not come down again on the earth in the last days, as is
believed by Muslims of the Sunni and Shiite pilgrims wal. Being down at the end of time is
the spirit (the spirit 'of) the Prophet Isa, in the form of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. Mirza Ghulam
Ahmad, declared himself as the Messiah (Christ is anticipated), who later declared himself as
a new prophet after Prophet Muhammad saw.
New prophet, a Fantasy theme, the Symbolic Convergence approach, constructed
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad to strengthen bonds between individuals who are members of the
Ahmadiyah. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, requires that Ahmadiyah members to make sacrifices for
the sake of Ahmadiyah, by paying candah of 1116, 1/10 or 1/3 of income every month.
Communication Ahmadiyya Muslim Television Ahmadiyya supported (MT A), print media,
online media (www.alislam.org). and social media.
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