Perspektif ABRI terhadap pers bebas bertanggung jawab
Dissertation Title
RESPONSIBILITY (A Case Study on Press Coverage By
Kompas and Tempo Magazine in Regard to The Incident at
Tanjung Priok on 12 September 1984)
The purpose of this research is to understand : How the Republic of Indonesia
Armed Forces (ABRI) perceives Responsible Freedom of Press. When in fact Free
Press is recognized by the constitution found underbylaw No. 21/82 and TAP
MPRS No. XXXIJ/66 which entails Responsible Free Press. Action taken by the
military to have Control over the press is done on the basis of Guideline No.
17 /Kopkamtib/ 1982.
Quires brought up through this research: .
1. How the press was being controlled during the Tanjung Priok 12 September
1984 event.
2. How the Press regulatory Institution regards Responsibile Free Press.
3. How daily nespaper Kompas and Tempo magazine regard Responsible Free
This research uses a constructive paradigm with the purpose of qualitative
research. While the basic theory uses the phenomenology theory and symbolic
interaction. The basic Concept is a historical overview of responsible Free Press,
Control over the press anddissuasion of opinions by the Armed Forces (ABRJ)
through the Armed Forces central information (Puspen ABRJ) as the acting
Division for Civil Information, Public Affairs, Cooperation, Security, and Order
(Dispen Humas Kopkamtib) as: "tangkringan".
Conclusion of this study:
1. The press can be controlled by the Armed Forces
2. The Press Guidance Council, which consists of the Departement of
Information, the Press Council and PWl, can collaborate and support the
involvement of the Armed Forces to control freeepress.
3. The press itself "Follows along" and "lays low" when freedom of press is
controlled, to insure the safety and stability of the media.
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