Hubungan Kualitas Layanan Dengan Sikap Pasien Terhadap Puskesmas Puter Bandung (Studi Kolerasi Kualitas Layanan Poli Santun Lansia Dengan Sikap Pasien Terhadap Puskesmas Puter Bandung)
Kartika Singarimbun (210120140008), 2014, Public Relations Department,
Faculty of Communication, University of Padjadjaran Bandung with supervised
from Dr. Hj.Lukiati Komala Erdinaya, MSi and Dr. Yanti Setianti, M Si as a
supervisor member.
The research title is 1/ Elderly Patients Attitudes Towards Service Quality of Puter
Community Health Care Centre ". Community health care centre is rarely
destination for patients treatment eventhough BP JS participants must do initial
examination at the community health care center. Patients complaint about the
services of doctors, nurses, registration officers and pharmacist although it is a
health care center's pilot in Bandung appointed by Bandung Health Department.
The purpose of this study was to analyze attitudes correlated towards health care
quality services of Puter community health care centre. Using quantitative
methodology in a systematic sampling technique by distributing 94
questionnaires. Health quality services provided by doctors, nurses, registration
officers and pharmacian correlated to elderly patients attitude. Knowledge and
skills of doctors, nurses, registration officers and pharmacian were positively
associated with attitudes towards Puter community health care centre . Other
findings suggests that attention and communication skills of workers need to
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