Asas keterbandingan sebagai asas dasar Indeks Kemahalan Konstruksi
(IKK) sulit diterapkan karena perbedaan spesifikasi barang. Selain itu, perubahan
spesifikasi barang antar periode menjadi kendala dalarn penyusunan matched
model price index. Regresi hedonik merupakan fungsi yang menyatakan
hubungan antara harga terhadap karakteristik barang. The chow test pada model
regresi berfungsi untuk memeriksa variabel karakteristik yang dimasukkan
kedalam model berarti secara statistik. Koefisien pada regresi hedonik digunakan
sebagai dasar dalam penyetaraan kualitas pada komoditi IKK serta dasar bagi
penyusunan unmatched model price index yang mengurai indeks total pada suatu
barang menjadi indeks kualitas dan quality adjusted price index. Quality adjusted
price index mampu mere darn gejolak inflasi akibat perubahan kualitas. Indeks
tersebut disusun berdasarkan indeks Dutot dan Jevons dengan acuan periode dasar
(Laspeyres) maupun periode berjalan (Paasche). Indeks Dutot menghasilkan
perkembangan harga lebih smooth pada data heterogen sedangkan indeks Jevons
menghasilkan perkembangan harga lebih smooth pada data homogen.
4. Abstract
'Comparability' as (he basic principles of Construction Cost Index (CCI)
is difficult to apply due to differences in the specification of goods. In addition,
changes in the specification of goods between periods is an obstacle in the
calculation of matched models price index. Hedonic regression is a function
expressing the relation between the price of inherent characteristics. The chow
test is used to examine the characteristics included in the model are statistically
significant. Hedonic regression coefficient is used as a basis for equalizing the
quality of the commodity and the basis for unmatched model price index that
break down total index to quality index and quality-adjusted price index. Quality
adjusted price index can reduce inflation volatility due to changes in quality. The
index is based on Dutot and Jevons index with reference base period (Laspeyres)
and current period (Paasche}. Dutot index produces smoother price indices 011
heterogeneous data while Jevons index produces smoother price indices on
homogeneous data.
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