T80-Uji Aktivitas Antihiperkolesterolemia Ekstrak Etanol dan Fraksi Daun Jawer Kotok (Plectranthus scutellarioides L.) Pada Tikus Putih Jantan (Rattus novergicus) Galur Wistar (Faizah Min Fadhlillah; Dr. Yoppi Iskandar, M.Si; Dr. Sri Adi Sumiwi, MS)
Hypercholesterolemic is a risk factor for atherosclerosis leading to heart disease and stroke. Hypercholesterolemic is the most common cause of death in Indonesia causing the death of 328.500 people (WHO, 2012).The present study investigated the antihypercholesterolemic activity of ethanolic extract and fraction from leaves jawerkotok (PlectranthusscutellarioidesL.)onwistar male white rats (Rattusnovergicus). Propylthiouracil and a high-fat diet were used to induced hypercholesterol rats and followed by oral administration of simvastatin 1 mg/kg, ethanolic extract 400 mg/kg BW, ethanolic extract 500 mg/kg BW and ethanolicexctract 600 mg/kg BW for two weeks. For fraction, followed by oral administration water fraction, ethyl acetate fraction and n-hexan fraction. The result showed that ethanolic extract 500 mg/kg BW had better antihypercholesterolemic activity. Etanolic extract from leavesjawerkotokcontains alkaloid, polyphenols, flavonoid, saponin and terpenoid.For fraction, n-hexan fraction 300 mg/kgBW had better antihypercholesterolemic activity.n-hexanfraction from leaves jawerkotokcontains alkaloid, monoterpenoidand sesquiterpenoid.
Key Words:Plectranthus scutellarioides, Antihypercholesterolemic, Propylthiouracil, Cholesterol, Ethanolic extract, Fraction
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