3512-Validasi Metode Analisis 2,5 Heksanadion Pada Urin Dengan Metode Kromatografi Gas (Kurnia Megawati; Muchtaridi, M.Si., Ph.D; Dr. Mulyana, M.Kes)
Organic solvents such as hexane are often used in industries such as printing, electron device cleaners, glue, shoe-making, furniture, as well as oil extraction. In the body, hexane would be metabolized to several metabolites were 5-hydroxy-2-heksanon, 2,5-hexane dione, and 4,5-dihydroxy 2-heksanon. Based on several studies, 2,5-hexane dione cause polyneuropathy and apoptosis in the ovum. In another study show that 2,5-heksandion can be biomarkers of hexane exposure. To view this risk, analyst of 2,5-heksandion through urine needed. This study was conducted to obtain validated analytical methods in determining the levels of 2,5-hexane dione in urine from petroleum industry workers using gas chromatography with helium as a carrier gas. This study results that the method of analysis 2,5-hexanedion in urine by Gas Chromatography (GC) conform the requirements of validation method with a linierity was 0.99963, accuracy was in the range of 99.16% to 114.13%, the
precision with % coefficient of variation was 1.65% to 5.16%, % coefficient variation of specificity was 0.027%, limited of detection wass 0054 μg/mL and limited of quantification was 0,18 μg/mL.
Keywords: hexane, 2,5-hexanedione, validation, G
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