Pharmacological Aspects of Drug Dependence: Toward an Integrated Neurobehavioral Approach
The book has 3 theme and 16 chapter. Theme1 discuss research in the study of drug action and addiction. This theme consists of chapter 1.genetic vulnerability to substance abuse, and chapter 2.integrative neurobehavioral pharmacology: focus on cocaine. Theme 2 discuss molecular, behavioral, and human pharmacology of dependence and consequences. This theme consist chapter 3.marihuana, chapter 4.cocaine, chapter 5.opioid analgesics, chapter 6.phenecyclidine: a drug of abuse and a tool for neuroscience research, chapter 7.benzodiazepine discontinuation syndromes: clinical and experimental aspects, chapter 8.nicotine, chapter 9.caffeine reinforcement, discrimination, tolerance and physical dependence in laboratory animals and humans, chapter 10.classical hallucinogens, and chapter 11.alcohol. Theme 3 discuss advances in the pharmacotherapy of addiction. This theme consists chapter 12.pharmacotherapy of addiction: introduction and principles, chapter 13.development of medications for addictive disorders, chapter 14a.long term pharmacotherapy for opiate (primarily heroin) addiction: opioid agonist, chapter 14b.long term pharmacotherapy for opiate (primarily heroin) addiction:opioid antagonist and partial agonist, chapter 15.pharmacotherapy of nicotine dependence, chapter 16.pharmacotherapies for cocaine dependence.
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