Basic One and two-Dimensional NMR Spectroscopy
This book is an introduction to the fundamentals and applications of NMR spectroscopy and recent achievements of NMR research. Advances in the areas of NMR instruments and in the automation of the recording and interpretation of spectra are only covered to the extent that they fit within the aims of the book. Thus, chapter 1-5 have remained almost unchanged. The main changes begin in chapter 6, "Assigment of H and C Signals", where he have incorporated parts of the previous edition's chapter 12, "Shift Reagents". The importance of shift reagents has declined sharply now that high-field spectrometers have become accessible to all NMR users, and therefore a separate chapter on the subjectis no longer justified. In chapter 8 a section on "Spin-Locking", which plays a key role in many NMR methods, has been included. Chapter 10, "The Nuclear Overhauser Effect", has been enlarged by the addition of transfer NOE (trNOE), a technique that is important in studies of biological systems. Chapter 12 is now devoted entirely to synthetic polymers. I have extended section 12.5 about solid-state NMR techniques to include the basic principle of the cross-polarization (CP) method. Chapter 13 now collects together the application of NMR spectroscopy to biological and biochemical problems, which were previously treated partly in chapter 13 and partly in chapter 14. In view of the fundamental significance of interactions between ligands and macromolecules (e.g., ligand-enzyme interactions) and dynamic processes, he have introduced a description of the principle of saturation transfer difference (STD) spectroscopy in section 13.4. Chapter 14 is now devoted entirely to in vivo NMR spectroscopy, magnetic resonance tomography (MRT), and proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H MRS).
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