Vegetables and Fruits: Nutritional and Therapeutic Values
This book provides comprehensive information on vegetables and fruits. It includes nutritional and therapeutic values on more than 100 species each of vegetables and fruits. The objective of this book was to assemble in one volume the large amount of information that is not familiar to the general public about the healthful properties of vegetables and fruits that are available in the North Amerika market. Vegetables and fruits have more than just nutritional value. Some may contain therapeutic compounds that are beneficial to consumers. The book is designed to provide researchers, manufactures, and producers easy access to information on vegetables and fruits in user-friendly tables. It begins with a general introduction regarding their essensial human nutritional values such as protein, vitamins, minerals, and fiber contents as well as the presence of nonnutrient phytochemicals such as sulfur-containing compounds. Chapter 1and 4 present currently available information on the major constituents and therapeutic values in more than 100 each of vegetables and fruits, respectively. Chapter 2and 5 present the vitamins and minerals that are contained in, respectively, vegetables and fruits. Chapter 3 presents flavonoids, isoflavone, and carotenoid contents in raw vegetables. Chapter 6 indicates how the use of vegetables and fruits can protect or improve human health.
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