Handbook of Preformulation: Chemical, Biological, and Botanical Drugs
This handbook provides detailed descriptions of preformulation methodologies, gives a state-of-the-art description of each technique, and list the currently available tools useful in providing a comprehensive caharcterization of a new drug entity. The book has 10 chapters. Chapter 1 is drug discovery trends. Chapter 2 is intellectual property considerations. Chapter 3 is the scope of preformulation studies. Chapter 4 is dissociation, partitioning, and solubility. Chapter 5 is release, dissolution and permeation. Chapter 6 is solid state properties. Chapter 7 is dosage from considerations in preformulation. Chapter 8 is chemical druh substance characterization. Chapter 9 id characterization of biopharmaceutical drugs. Chapter 10 is characterization of phytomedicines.
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