Handbook of Medicinal Herbs
The author tried to cover most of the widely mentioned medicinal plants, whether they are exteremely salubrious or extremely toxic. This book includes more than 1000 of the most important herbs, including the more important herbs from the young Native American and the European traditions (including most of the those approved by commission E (KOM), and almost all of those included in the PDR for Herbal Medicines (PHR for the first edition, and PH2 for the second edition). Unlike commission E and the Herbal PDR, which seem to stress European and American traditions, I include proportionately more herbs from the older African, Ayurvedic, and Chinese traditions as well, not wanting to slight any major medicinal plant from any major tradition.
Catalog of herbs (A to Z) 1
Reference abbreviations 815
References 821
Illustration credits 829
Scientific name index 831
Common name index 843
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