Analisis Perbedaan Efek Perbaikan Klinis, Imunologis, dan Histologis antara Membran Amnion Sediaan Segar, Membran Amnion Sediaan Kering dan DuraGen untuk Rekonstruksi Defek Dura mater pada Hewan Model Macaca fascicularis
Penutupan dura mater pada setiap pembedahan otak sangat penting dilakukan untuk mencegah terjadinya kebocoran cairan serebrospinal, infeksi dan herniasi serebral. Rekonstruksi dura mater (Duraplasty) pada prosedur operasi bedah otak dilakukan secara primer menggunakan teknik penjahitan watertight. Ketika teknik penutupan ini tidak tercapai, diperlukan material tambahan lain untuk penutupan dura mater. Kriteria utama material tersebut adalah mampu berfungsi sebagai penutup mekanis, tidak menimbulkan reaksi penolakan dan mampu memfasilitasi pertumbuhan jaringan dura mater yang baru. Membran amnion merupakan salah satu pilihan material allograft yang kemungkinan dapat memenuhi ketiga kriteria tersebut. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menilai kemampuan membran amnion sebagai material duraplasty kranial.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental murni menggunakan 9 ekor hewan model Macaca fascicularis untuk menguji material membran amnion sediaan kering (MASK, n=3), membran amnion sediaan segar (MASS, n=3) dan kontrol menggunakan material xenograft DuraGen (n=3). Dilakukan tindakan kraniotomi dan duraplasty dalam anestesi umum untuk implantasi ketiga jenis material pada hewan model, setelah 30 hari dilakukan re-kraniotomi untuk menilai hasil implantasi graft duraplasty. Evaluasi dilakukan menggunakan parameter penilaian klinis, respon imunologis, histologis dan penanda sel punca.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa membran amnion memiliki kemampuan pencegahan komplikasi klinis dan respon imunologis yang sama dengan DuraGen; namun berbeda dalam percepatan penyembuhan berdasarkan pemeriksaan hitologis jaringan hasil duraplasty. Penilaian parameter histologis menggunakan pewarnaan HE, Mason’s Trichrome dan imunohistokimia Laminin menujukkan bahwa pada kelompok MASS telah terjadi resorpsi membran amnion, pada MASS dan MASK tampak membran amnion telah memendek, kolagenisasi, neovaskularisasi dan pembentukan jaringan dura mater baru. Kandungan sel punca mesenkimal dan epitel yang dikandung dalam membran amnion diprediksi berperan dalam percepatan dan hasil akhir penyembuhan jaringan pasca duraplasty.
Pengujian in vivo pada hewan model ini menunjukkan MASS merupakan material allograft yang aman digunakan pada prosedur duraplasty kranial, memiliki kemampuan pencegahan komplikasi klinis, respon imun dan penyembuhan defek dura mater dalam waktu 30 hari.
Kata kunci: Allograft, dura mater, duraplasty, membran amnion, Macaca fascicularis, sel punca, kranial.
Dura mater closure in brain surgery is very essential to prevent cerebrospinal fluid leakage, infection, and cerebral herniation. Dura mater reconstruction (Duraplasty) in brain surgery procedures is performed primarily using a watertight technique. When this closure technique is not achieved, additional materials are needed to close the dura mater defect. The main criteria of the material are; the ability as a mechanical covering, prevent a rejection reaction, and have the ability to stimulate the growth of new dura mater tissue. Amniotic membrane is one of the allograft material that would be likely to fulfill all of those three criteria. This study was conducted to investigate the ability of the amniotic membrane as a cranial duraplasty material.
This study was a pure experimental study using 9 non-human primates of Macaca fascicularis to evaluate the dehydrated amniotic membrane (MASK, n = 3), fresh amniotic membrane (MASS, n = 3) and a xenograft material of DuraGen (n = 3). Craniotomy and duraplasty were being performed under general anesthesia for the implantation of all three types of material in to the animal, and after 30-days, re-craniotomy was performed to evaluate the results of implantation of the duraplasty graft. Evaluation was accomplished by using the clinical assessment parameters, immunological responses, histological examinations and stem cell marker examination.
The results showed that the amniotic membrane had the same ability to prevent clinical complications and immunological responses as DuraGen; but more better in the acceleration of healing process based on tissue hitological examination results of duraplasty. Histological parameter assessment using HE staining, Mason’s Trichrome staining, and immunohistochemistry Laminin, shows that in the MASS group: the results of amniotic membrane resorption has occurred, in MASS and MASK appears that there were a shortening of amniotic membrane, collagenization, neovascularization, and formation of new dura mater tissue. The mesenchymal and epithelial stem cells contained in the amniotic membrane was predicted to be useful in the acceleration process and the final result of duraplasty tissue repairs.
In vivo evaluation in this animal model shows that MASS is an allograft material that is safe to be used in cranial duraplasty procedures, has the ability as a better clinical ability, good immunology response, and histologically healings process of dura mater defects within 30 days.
Keywords: Allograft, dura mater, duraplasty, amniotic membrane, Macaca fascicularis, stem cells, cranial.
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