Perkembangan Sistem Pemerintahan Presidensil Berdasarkan UUD 1945
Perkembangan sistem pemerintahan presidensil sebelum dan sesudah Amandemen UUD 1945 mengalami perubahan signifikan. Sebelumnya sistem pemerintahan presidensil bercorak executive heavy kemudian bergeser menjadi legislative heavy. Amandemen mempunyai tujuan utama untuk mendapatkan sistem pemerintahan presidensil murni. Hasilnya, bagaimanapun juga telah menunjukkan sejumlah masalah dengan hubungan antara Presiden dan Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR). Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis gagasan murni yang diajukan founding fathers tentang sistem pemerintahan presidensil, menganalisis perkembangan sistem pemerintahan presidensil dan merumuskan gagasan memperkuat sistem pemerintahan presidensil berdasarkan UUD 1945. Tiga teori dasar yang digunakan untuk mencapai tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu: teori pemisahan kekuasaan, teori sistem pemerintahan dan teori sistem politik. Metode penelitian disertasi ini menggunakan metode pendekatan socio-legal dengan kajian pustaka dan penelitian lapangan. Dengan spesifikasi penelitian deskriptif analitis dan didukung dengan penggunaan metode komparasi sistem pemerintahan antara Amerika Serikat dan Brazil. Data yang digunakan berupa bahan hukum primer, sekunder dan tersier. Bahan-bahan hukum tersebut dikumpulkan melalui studi kepustakaan, dan dianalisis secara kualitatif. Penelitian ini menghasilkan tiga kesimpulan, yaitu: Pertama, dari awal founding fathers telah menyepakati sistem pemerintahan presidensil sebagaimana telah dibentuk dari proses perdebatan dalam merumuskan UUD 1945. Kedua, Perkembangan sistem pemerintahan presdiensil selama periode (1945-1949, Orde Lama, Orde Baru dan Orde Reformasi) telah menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan antara istilah norma konstitusional dan praktek pemerintahan yang telah dipengaruhi dengan sistem politik, sistem perwakilan, serta sistem partai politik yang diterapkan saat ini. Perubahan ini tidak diragukan lagi secara signifikan mempengaruhi kekuasaan presiden (Kekuasaan eksplisit, kekuasaan implisit, serta kekuasaan inheren). Ketiga, Penguatan sistem pemerintahan presidensil melalui beberapa cara, meliputi penyederhanaan sistem multi partai, penghapusan presidensial threshold, memperkuat kekuasaan presiden, dan terakhir, penguatan hubungan antara Presiden dan DPR. Kata Kunci: UUD 1945, Sistem Pemerintahan Presidensil, dan Sistem Politik
The development of presidential system of government during pre and post
amendment to the 1945 Constitution has showed significant changes. Previously,
the system was characterized by the executive heavy, and then it has shifted to
become the legislative heavy. The amendment itself, has main aims to obtain the
purest system of presidential government. The results, however, have showed that
it created a number of problems dealing with relations between the President and
the House of Representatives. This study aims to analyze the original ideas
proposed by the Founding fathers regarding the presidential system of
government; to analyze the development such a system critically; and to formulate
ideas on how to strengthen it according to the 1945 Constitution. Three theoretical
bases have been used in order to achieve the aims of this study, namely: the
theories of separation of power, system of government, and political system.
This study uses a socio-legal method, supported by literature review and
field research. The nature of the study is a descriptive-analytical research, and it
also uses comparative method by choosing the United States of America and
Brazil as objects of comparison. The data, which consist of primary, secondary,
and tertiary legal materials, are then analyzed qualitatively.
The study provides three conclusions. Firstly, the Founding Fathers had
agreed on the use of presidential system of government, which appeared from the
debating process of a draft of a new constitution in 1945. Secondly, the
development of presidential system of government during different periods (1945-
1949, the Old Order, the New Order, and the Reform Era) has showed significant
differences both in terms of constitutional norms and governmental practices
which have been influenced by political system, electoral system, as well as
political party system that applicable at the time. These changes undoubtedly
significantly influencing the powers of the President (explicit powers, implied
powers, as well as inherent powers). Thirdly, it is necessary to strengthen
presidential system of government through several important ways, including
simplifying political party system; abolishing presidential threshold; rearranging
powers of the House of Representatives; reinforcing presidential powers; and
finally; strengthening relations between the President and the House of
Keywords: the 1945 Constitution; presidential system of government; political
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