Collaborative Governance Dalam Penerpan Sistem Inovasi Daerah Di Kabupaten Pelalawan Provinsi Riau
Penelitian ini membahas collaborative governance dalam penerapan Sistem Inovasi Daerah di Kabupaten Pelalawan Provinsi Riau dengan studi pada program sistem integritas sapi kelapa sawit (SISKA) untuk masyarakat tani ternak. Secara konseptual, studi collaborative governance menonjolkan karakteristik kerjasama diantara ketiga pilarnya yaitu pemerintah, swasta, dan masyarakat dari segi proses. Model ini berbeda dengan good governance yang berbicara tentang output dari proses bekerjasamanya ketiga pilar tersebut, bisa good atau bad pada akhirnya. Keunggulan teori ini adalah dari segi kebaruan collaborative governance itu sendiri yang merupakan varian baru dalam konsep governance. Model ini menggunakan lima dimensi untuk mengukur kesuksesan collaborative governance, yaitu collaborative proses, starting conditions, institutional desain, facilitative leadershipdan outcomecollaborative governance. Kekurangan teori ini adalah belum menggambarkan proses yang bersifat tranformatif, jaringan kebijakan, dan pola jaringan dalam sebuah kebijakan sistem inovasi daerah, sehingga masih menyisakan ruang kosong yang belum diteliti dan harus uji dari konsep collaborative governance.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Unit analisis adalah seluruh lembaga yang terlibat dalam konteks program SISKA. Penentuan informan dilakukan berdasarkan kriteria, dimana pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik wawancara mendalam, pengamatan, dan dokumentasi.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses collaborative governance tidak dapat dipandang hanya pada aspek formalitas, didalamnya melibatkan multi aktor formal dan informal.Collaborative governance dalam penerapan SIDa belum berhasil dikarenakan, pertama dimensi proses kolaborasi didominasi oleh lemahnya kepercayaan aktor-aktor yang terlibat, share pengetahuan yang terhambat, dan lemahnya komitmen pihak swasta. Kedua, dimensi strarting conditions didominasi oleh ketidakseimbangan sumberdaya antar aktor, lemahnya keterwakilan asosiasi perusahaan dan petani ternak, tidak meratanya pengetahuan petani ternak, dan pengaruh konflik antar perusahaan dengan masyarakat. Ketiga, dimensi institutional design yang menekankan kebutuhan bukan tujuan program, dan keempat dimensi facilitative leadershipyang diuntungkan oleh tingginya komitmen kepala daerah. Akibatnya hasil akhir berupa outcome collaborative governance dinilai belum berhasil. Penelitian ini juga menghasilkan temuan lain yaituadanya transformasi pengetahuan, jaringan kebijakan yang menentukan keberhasilan dan kegagalan, dan terbentuknya pola jaringan dari struktur jaringan sistem inovasi daerah di Kabupaten Pelalawan.
Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah model collaborative governance Ansell dan Gash (2007) dinilai belum berjalan secara menyeluruh dalam penerapansistem inovasi daerah (SIDa) di Kabupaten Pelalawan. Perlu diperkuat dengan menambah dimensi jaringan kebijakan, dimensi pola jaringan, dan menambah indikator transformasi pengetahuan pada dimensi proses kolaborasi. Penelitian ini menghasilkan sebuah model transformasi collaborative governance sebagai solusi dalam penerapan SIDa. Secara akademik disarankan model collaborative governance agar terus dikembangkan dan disempurnakan dalam berbagai setting kebijakan, tempat, waktu, bidang, dan dinamika pemerintahan yang berbeda.
Kata Kunci : Collaborative Governance, sistem inovasi daerah.
This study discusses collaborative governance in the implementation of Regional Innovation System in Pelalawan District of Riau Province with a study on the program of integrity system of oil palm cattle (SISKA) for livestock farming communities. Conceptually, the collaborative governance study highlights the characteristics of cooperation between the three pillars of government, private, and community in terms of process. This model is different from good governance that talks about the output of the process of working together these three pillars can be good or bad in the end. The superiority of this theory is in terms of the newness of collaborative governance itself which is a new variant in the concept of governance. This model uses five dimensions to measure the success of collaborative governance, namely collaborative process, starting conditions, institutional design, facilitative leadership and outcome collaborative governance. The lack of this theory is not yet to describe the transformational process, policy network, and network pattern in a policy of regional innovation system, so it still leaves empty space that has not been researched and must test from the concept of collaborative governance.
This research uses qualitative research method with phenomenology approach. The unit of analysis is all institutions involved in the context of the SISKA program. Determination of informants is based on criteria, where the data collection using in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation.
The results show that the process of collaborative governance cannot be viewed only in the aspect of formalities, involving multi-formal and informal actors. Collaborative governance in the application of SIDa has not been successful because the first dimension of the collaboration process is dominated by the weak trust of the actors involved, the impeded share of knowledge, and the weakness of private commitment. Secondly, the dimension of starting conditions is dominated by the imbalance of resources between actors, the weak representation of associations of companies and farmers, the unevenness of knowledge of livestock farmers, and the influence of conflicts between companies and communities. Third, the institutional design dimension that emphasizes needs is not the goal of the program and the four dimensions of facilitative leadership that benefit from the high commitment of the regional head. As a result, the outcome of the collaborative governance outcome is considered not successful. This research also produces another finding that is the transformation of knowledge, the policy network that determines the success and failure, and the formation of network pattern from the network structure of innovation system in Pelalawan Regency.
The conclusion of this research is the collaborative governance model Ansell and Gash (2007) considered not yet running as a whole in applying of regional innovation system (SIDa) in Pelalawan Regency. Needs to be strengthened by adding network policy dimensions, network pattern dimensions, and adding knowledge transformation indicators to the dimensions of the collaboration process. This research produces a model of collaborative governance transformation as a solution in the application of SIDa. Academically it is recommended that the collaborative governance model is continuously developed and refined in different policy settings, places, times, fields, and different governmental dynamics.
Keywords: Collaborative Governance, regional innovation system
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