"Budaya Kerja Aparatur Dinas Penanaman Modal Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu (Dpmptsp) Kota Bandung Dalam Pembuatan Ijin Mendirikan Bangunan Hotel Dan Restoran"
Penelitian ini membahas tentang Budaya Kerja Aparatur Dinas Penanaman Modal Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu (DPMPTSP) Kota Bandung dalam Pembuatan Ijin Mendirikan Bangunan Hotel dan Restoran, yang dilatarbelakangi oleh adanya temuan dari laporan audit BPK-RI 2012/2013 tanggal 5 Juli 2014 Nomor 01/XVIIII.BDG/07/2014 atas kinerja pelayanan dan pengawasan DPMPTSP Kota Bandung TA 2012/2013. Oleh sebab itu yang menjadi persoalan dalam penelitian ini adalah: Kenapa budaya kerja aparatur di DPMPTSP Kota Bandung dalam pembuatan IMB belum efektif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis secara kritis mengapa budaya kerja aparatur Negara di DPMPTSP belum efektif. Sebagai solusi untuk meningkatkan efektifitas budaya kerja aparatur Negara pada DPMPTSP Kota Bandung dengan dasar paradigma New Public Service (NPS).
Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif. Pengumpulan data bersumber dari sumber primer dan sekunder. Data primer dari informan yang berjumlah lima orang, serta data sekunder diperoleh dari berbagai dokumen, jurnal, karya ilmiah, dan lain-lain. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa budaya kerja aparatur Negara di DPMPTSP Kota Bandung belum efektif karena prinsip-prinsip New Public Service belum digunakan.
Kata Kunci: Budaya kerja, aparatur, izin mendirikan bangunan dan New Public Service.
This study discusses the Apparatus Work Culture of Bandung Municipality Investment Coordination Board and One-Stop Service Unit (Dinas Penanaman Modal dan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu, DPMPTSP) in Publishing Hotel and Restaurant Building Permit (IMB). The research was developed based on the findings of the Indonesian Auditing Board (BPK-RI) which was published on the 5th July 2014. The report indicates some problems related to the service performance and supervision of the DPMPTSP Bandung in Fiscal Year 2012/2013. Therefore, the issue in this study is: Why the work culture apparatus in DPMPTSP Bandung in making IMB has not been effective. This study aims to analyze critically why the work culture of the State apparatus in DPMPTSP has not been effective. As a solution to improve the effectiveness of the working culture of the State apparatus in DPMPTSP Bandung with the basic paradigm New Public Service (NPS). This study aims to analyze critically why the work culture of the Bandung Municipality DPMPTSP apparatus is ineffective, so this research expected to generate a new concept as a solution to improve the effectiveness of the work culture of Bandung Municipality DPMPTSP apparatus with the basic paradigm of New Public Service (NPS).
The method used is qualitative with case study technique, through the collection of data from primary and secondary sources. The primary data of words, utterances and actions or behavior of informants numbering five people, as well as secondary data obtained from a variety of documents, journals, scientific papers, and others. The results showed that the work culture of the State apparatus in DPMPTSP Bandung has not been effective because the principles of New Public Service has not been used.
Keywords: Work culture, apparatus, building permit and New Public Service.
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