Pengaruh Beberapa Performa Reproduksi Pascapartus Terhadap Masa Kosong Sapi Peranakan Ongole
PenelitiantentangPengaruhBeberapa Performa ReproduksiPascapartusterhadapMasaKosongpadaSapiPotongPeranakanOngole(PO) telahdilaksanakan di BalaiPerbibitandanPengembanganInseminasiBuatan (BPPIB) TernakSapiPotongCiamismulaibulanJuni 2015 sampaiFebruari 2017. Penelitian bertujuan untuk menganalisispengaruhperformareproduksipascapartusterhadapmasakosong dalam upayamemperoleh masa kosong lebih singkat, sehingga reproduksilebihefisien.Penelitian dilakukan terhadap 30 ekor sapi dara bunting PO yang sebelumnya telah dikawinkan menggunakan teknologi Inseminasi Buatan (IB). Parameter yang diamati adalah pengeluaran plasenta, involusi uteri, estrus pertama pascapartus,service per conception dan masa kosong. Ditambah data penunjang meliputi kadar glukosa darah, nitrogen urea darah, intensitas estrus dan berat badan induk pascapartus. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis statistik deskriptif dan analisis jalur (path analysis) Hasil penelitian menunjukkan lama pengeluaran plasenta 3,60 ± 0,86 jam, involusi uteri 33,00 ± 4,66 hari, timbulnya estrus pertama pascapartus 104,10 ± 43,98 hari, service per conception2,20 ± 1,19, masa kosong 168,40 ± 77,80 hari, kadarglukosadarah 36,17 ± 11,91 mg/dl, kadar nitrogen urea darah 28,72 ± 6,58 mg/dl, intensitas estrus 1,77 ± 0,52 danberatbadanindukpascapartus 283,83 ± 24,11 kg. Secarasimultan, performareproduksipascapartusberpengaruhterhadapmasakosongsebesar 67persen. Secaraparsial, performareproduksiservice per conceptionmemberikanpengaruhterbesarterhadapmasakosongsebesar 48,906persen.
Kata Kunci : reproduksi, pascapartus, masakosong, PeranakanOngole, sapi
Research on the Effect of Several Postpartum Reproductive Performances on Days Open in Ongole Cross Cows(OCC) has been carried out in Breeding Centre and Artificial Insemination Development of Beef Cattle in Ciamis from June 2015 to February 2017. The study aims to analysis the effect of reproductive performances on days open in OCC, in obtaining a shorter days open, in order to get more efficientreproduction.The study was conducted on 30 head of OCC pregnant heifer that had previously been mated using Artificial Insemination (AI) technology. The parameters observed were placenta expulsion, uterine involution, postpartum first estrus, service per conception and days open. Added data includes blood glucose levels, blood urea nitrogen, estrus intensity and postpartum body weight. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis and path analysis.The results showed that the placenta expulsion was 3.60 ± 0.86 hours, uterine involution 33.00 ± 4.66 days, postpartum first estrus 104.10 ± 43.98 days, service per conception 2.20 ± 1.19, days open 168,40 ± 77,80 days, blood glucose level 36.17 ± 11.91 mg / dl, blood urea nitrogen level 28.72 ± 6.58 mg / dl, estrus intensity 1.77 ± 0.52 and post-partum weight of herd 283.83 ± 24.11 kg. Simultaneously postpartum reproductive performance had an effect on days open of 67 percent. Reproduction performance of service per conception gave the greatest effect to the daysopen of 48.906 percent.
Keywords: reproduction,postpartum, days open, Ongole Cross, cows
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