Kajian Keunggulan Kitosan Sebagai Protecting Agent Dalam Ransum Untuk Produktivitas Dan Kualitas Telur Itik Tegal
Kitosan bersifat antimikroba, antioksidan, menghambat lemak dan kolesterol serta substrat enzim yang banyak digunakan oleh Industri Farmasi, mengingat dapat memperbaiki microbial kompleks colon manusia. Hal tersebut sudah tentu identik berlaku pula pada pemeliharaan ternak dalam dosis relatif rendah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mencari, mengaplikasi sifat utamanya terhadap produktivitas dan kualitas telur itik Tegal, agar diperoleh telur yang sehat, bebas Salmonella dan rendah kolesterol. Penelitian Tahap 1: menemukan dosis kitosan terbaik guna menghambat pertumbuhan Salmonella secara in vitro melalui pengamatan diameter zona bening (mm). Tahap II; mengkaji sifat kitosan secara in vivo pada aplikasi besaran dosis 0%; 0,5%; 2% dan 2,5%. Percobaan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) yaitu 4 perlakuan dan 5 ulangan. Awal penelitian, uji kandungan Salmonella ransum dan feses, di akhir penelitian, pemeriksaan kecernaan dan histologisnya pada 20 ekor yang dipotong. Parameter menyangkut performa ternak (konsumsi ransum, produksi telur, duck day production = DDP, dan konversi ransum), populasi bakteri saluran pencernaan, jumlah Salmonella saluran pencernaan, Tes Anti Pullorum Darah, kecernaan ransum (bahan kering, organik dan protein kasar). Selain itu jumlah Salmonella dan kolesterol telur, diikuti histologi jaringan usus halus (ileum). Perhitungan statistik menggunakan program SAS Windows 16 dan data mikroba termasuk histologi usus menggunakan Analisis Deskriptif. Hasil penelitian tahap 1 ditemukan dosis kitosan 2,5% mampu menghambat Salmonella (In vitro) pada diameter zona bening 16,63 mm. Tahap II: Konsumsi ransum, produksi telur, DDP dan konversi ransum berimbang, namun demikian perlakuan 0,5% kitosan dalam ransum kadar kolesterolnya turun.
Kata Kunci: kitosan, protecting agent, produktivitas, kualitas telur itik
The characteristic of chitosan are an antimicrobial, antioxidant, fat and cholesterol binding as well as an enzyme immilization, and has been used by the pharmaceutical industry to improve the microbial complexes in human colon. It is mean identical being valid for raising at animal husbandry in relative low dose. The aim of this research is to find out and apply the main characteristics of chitosan to improve the quality and productivity of Tegal duck eggs, in order to get a healthy egg, free of Salmonella and low of cholesterol. The research oh Phase I : to get the best chitosan dose in Salmonella growth blocking (In vitro) via the form of clear zone diameter (mm); Phase II : to observe and analyze in chitosan dese tested 0%; 0,5%; 2,0%; and 2,5%. The experiment was used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) within 4 treatment and 5 replication. At the end of this research is to investigation of digestibility and histology which coming from 20 ducks slaughtering. The parameters measured about animal perform(feed consumption, egg production, Duck Day Production = DDP, and feed conversion), bacterial population of Salmonella in gastrointestinal tract, blood anti pullorum test (RAPID TEST), ration digestibility (dry matter,organic matter, and crude protein), Salmonella duck eggs, cholesterol duck eggs, histological tissue of small intestine (ileum). Statistic calculation was used by SAS Windows Programe 16. The result at Phase I : showed that with 2,5% chitosan dose have the greatest inhibition against Salmonella (In vitro) which have 16,63 mm clear zone diameter. However, the use of chitosan at Phase II has not shown the production increased (feed consumpsion, egg production, DDP and feed conversion) almost the same for all of treatment. By giving chitosan in the ration 0,5%, the cholesterol degree is low and pressure Salmonella sp. life.
Keywords: chitosan, protecting agent, productivity, egg quality, duck
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