Kajian Kesiapan Sumber Daya Manusia Pada Implementasi Kebijakan Pengadaan Barang Dan Jasa Ramah Lingkungan (Geen Pblic Procurenment)
Leachate is the liquid waste generated from the natural decompositionprocesss that occurs in a pile of garbage. Leachate contains organic matter and some components. It can be used as raw material for organic liquid fertilizer and biogas with molasses and dairy cow manure as additional materials. The objectives of this study are to obtain the highest biogas production from leachate concentration, dose molasses and dairy cow manure. Besides, it is also to achieve the economic benefit from the biogas fermentation which produce slurry that can be used as an organic liquid fertilizer. The processes used in this study were laboratory-scale anaerobic digester and semi-pilot scale production research. The results of laboratory-scale research for 10 days showed that the leachate treatment that was strained and the use of 15% molasses concentration with an additional materials of 10% of dairy cow manure (L2M3), produced the greatest amount of biogas (5.26 ± 0.5 liters of 1 liter volume of materials. Mean while the analysis of biogas content of the selected study (L2M3) results a methane content of 57%, Nitrogen (N-total) of 5,51, phosphorus (P) of 0.44% and potassium (K) 1.97%. The content of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and Kalium (K) in the slurry and liquid organic fertilizers has met the criteria of SNI 19-7030-2004 about composting standards. The results of financial analysis for 10 years on the 3000 liters semi-pilot scale digesters showed that the Net Present Value (NPV) is Rp109.927.592,00; the Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) is 1,15; Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is 24,87%; and the Payback Period (PP) is 1,5 years.
keywords: Leachate, anaerobic digester, biogas and organic liquid fertilizer
Lindimerupakanlimbahcair yang dihasilkandari proses dekomposisialamiah yang terjadipadatumpukansampah. Lindimengandungbahan organik dan beberapakompenendidalamnya,pemanfaatanlindidapatdigunakansebagaibahanbakupupuk cair organik dan biogasdengan bahan tambahanmolasesdankotoransapiperah. Tujuandaripenelitianiniadalahuntukmemperolehproduksi biogas terbanyakdarikonsentrasilindi, dosismolasesdankotoransapiperah, tujuanlainnyamemperolehmanfaatekonomidarihasilfermentasi biogas yaituslurry yang dapatdigunakansebagaipupukcairorganik. Proses yang digunakandalampenelitianiniadalahanaerob digester skalalaboratoriumdanpenelitian produksi skala semi pilot. Hasilpenelitianskalalaboratoriumselama 10 hari menunjukkanbahwaperlakuanairlindi yang di saringdankonsentrasimolases 15% dengan tambahan kotoransapi perah 10% (L2M3) menghasilkan biogas terbanyak 5,26 ± 0,5 liter dari volume 1 liter bahan. Sementaraanalisa kandungan biogas daripenelitianterpilih (L2M3) mempunyai kandungan gas metana sebesar 57%. Kadar Nitrogen (N-total) sebesar5,51, kadarPhospor (P) sebesar0,44%dankadarkalium (K) 1,97%. Kandungan Nitrogen (N), Phospor (P) danKalium (K) pada slurry dan pupukorganikcairsudahsesuaidenganstandar SNI 19-7030-2004 tentangpengomposan. Hasilperhitungankelayakanfinansialselama 10 tahun pada semi pilot berskala digester 3000 liter menunjukkan nilai Net Present Value (NPV) sebesarRp109.927.592,00. Benefit Cost Rasio (BCR) sebesar1,15, Internal Rate Return (IRR) sebesar24,87 % danPayback Period (PP) 1,5tahun.
Kata kunci :Lindi,anaerob digester,biogas danpupukcairorganik.
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