Pengambilan Keputusan Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Dalam Pembentukan Undang-Undang Ditinjau Dari Perspektif Demokrasi Pancasila
Pasal 20 ayat (1) Undang-UndangDasar 1945 setelahperubahanmenyebutkanbahwaDewanPerwakilan Rakyat memegangkekuasaanmembentukundang-undang. Tata cara DPR membentukUndang-Undangdiaturlebihlanjut di dalamUndang-Undang No. 12 Tahun 2011 TentangPembentukanPeraturanPerundang-undangan, Undang-Undang No. 17 Tahun 2014 Tentang MPR, DPR, DPD dan DPRD sertadalamPeraturan DPR RI No. 1 Tahun 2014 Tentang Tata Tertib DPR. Dalamperaturanperundang-undangantersebutdiaturtatacarapengambilankeputusan, DPR harusmengutamakanmusyawarahmufakatsesuaidenganDemokrasiPancasila. Namundalampraktikpengambilankeputusan DPR seringdijumpaicarapengambilankeputusankhususnyadalampembentukanundang-undangmempergunakanpemungutansuaraterbanyak (voting).Olehkarenaitu, perludilakukanpenelitianuntukmengetahuicarapengambilankeputusan yang sesuaidenganDemokrasiPancasila. Penelitianinimenelitiduapermasalahan, yaitu: pertama, Apakahpraktikpengambilankeputusan DPR dalampembentukanundang-undangsudahsesuaidenganDemokrasiPancasila: kedua, bagaimanakonseppengambilankeputusan DPR dalampembentukanundang-undang. TujuanPenelitianiniadalah, pertama, menemukancarapengambilankeputusan DPR dalampembentukanundang-undangsesuaidengandemokrasiPancasila; kedua, menemukankonseppengambilankeputusan DPR dalampembentukanundang-undang
Penelitianiniadalahpenelitianhukumnormatifdenganspesifikasipenelitiandeskriptifanalisis yang meliputipenelitianterhadapasas-asashukum, sistematikahukum, tarafsinkronisasivertikaldanhorizontal,perbandinganhukumdanpendekatansejarahhukum.Pendekatan yang dpergunakanadalahyuridisnormatif.Penggunaanpendekatanyuridisnormatifdimaksudkanuntukmencaridanmenemukankaidahhukum yang berkaitandenganmekanismepengambilankeputusanDewanPerwakilan Rakyat dalampembentukanundang-undangdalamperspektifDemokrasiPancasila.
Kesimpulan yang diperolehdaripenelitianiniadalahpertama, Cara pengambilankeputusanDewanPerwakilan Rakyat dalam proses pembentukanundang-undangdapatdikatakansudahsesuaidenganDemokrasiPancasila. Hal inidapatdilihatdaripraktikpengambilankeputusanolehDewanPerwakilan Rakyat yang menggunakancaramusyawarahuntukmencapaimufakatdanmusyawarah yang berujungpadapemungutansuarauntukmengambilkeputusan. Musyawarahmencapaimufakatataupunsuaraterbanyakmerupakanduacarapengambilankeputusan yang dianutdalamdemokrasiPancasila.Pengambilankeputusandenganmusyawarahmufakatmerupakancarautamadalampengambilankeputusan. Kedua, bahwakonseppengambilankeputusanDewanPerwakilan Rakyat dalampembentukanundang-undangadalahdisesuaikandengankepribadianbangsa Indonesia yaitumelaluimusyawarah yang menghasilkankesepakatan/mufakatdansuaraterbanyakdenganpenekananpadaasaskekeluargaandenganmemberikankesempatandanpersamaankedudukanbagisetiapanggotaDewanPerwakilan Rakyat dalampengambilankeputusansebagaiwujudkedaulatanrakyat yang didasarkanpadanilai-nilai yang terkandung di dalamPancasila.
Article 20 (1) of Constitution 1945 after the amendment, mentioned that the House of Representatives holds the power to make laws. The procedure for forming the Parliament act further stipulated in Law No. 12 Year 2011 on the formulating Legislation, Act No, 17/ 2014 about The Rules of MPR, DPR,DPD And DPD as well as in The Parliament Regulation No. 1.2014 about The Rules of The House of Representatives. In the legislations, stipulatedprocedures fordecision-making by the House. The House should give priority to consensus in accordance withPancasilaDemocracy.But inpracticethe decision-making of The House often foundwaysof decision making especially in the formulating legislationusingmajorityvote. Therefore, it is necessary to investigatehow decisions are madein accordance withPancasilaDemocracy. This studyexaminestwoissues: first, whether the House's decision-making practicein the formation oflegislationis in accordance withPancasila democracy.second, how the concept ofthe House’sdecision making in formulating legislation. The purposeof this studyis, first, to find waysof decision makingin the formulation legislation in accordancewith thePancasila Democracy. Second, found theconcepts ofthe House’s decision makingin the formation oflegislation.
This study is a normative legal research with descriptive analysis specification which includes a study of legal principles, systematic law, the degree of vertical and horizontal synchronization, comparative law and legal history approach. The approach used is normative judicial. The use of normative juridical approach intended to seek and find the rules of law relating to the decision-making mechanism of the House of Representatives in the formulation of legislation from the perspective of Pancasila Democracy.
The conclusion of this study is, the first, the mechanism of decision making of the House of Representatives in the formulation of legislation can be said to be in accordance with Pancasila Democracy. This can be seen from the decision-making practice by the People's Legislative Assembly which uses a deliberative way of reaching consensus and deliberation that leads to voting for decision-making. Deliberation reaches consensus or votes over two ways of decision making adopted in Pancasila democracy. Decision-making with consensus deliberation is the main way of making decisions. Secondly, the concept of decision in the formulation of the law is adapted to the personality of the Indonesian nation through a consensus that produces agreement and vote with emphasis on the principle of kinship by providing opportunities and equality for every member of the People's Legislative Assembly in decision-making as a form of people's sovereignty built On the value contained within Pancasila.
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