Peran Kemitraan Komprehensif Strategis Antara Republik Rakyat Tiongkok Dan Republik Indonesia Dalam Perimbangan Kekuatan Antara Indonesia Dan malaysia
Penelitian disertasi ini ditujukan untuk menemukan solusi yang lebih tepat bagi
negara lemah Non Blok dalam menghadapi aliansi lawan yang lebih kuat. Teori
Perimbangan Kekuatan saat ini dari Morgenthau, Waltz dan Walt hanya
menawarkan solusi bargaining dan badwagoning – yang keduanya kurang
memuaskan negara lemah Non Blok. Sementara Kuik menawarkan solusi hedging
yang pada situasi mendesak tetap mengarahkan terbentuknya aliansi.
Penelitian ini mengkaji konsep perimbangan kekuatan melalui metode penelitian
kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa studi kepustakaan, wawancara,
serta studi kasus dalam kerangka berpikir induktif.
Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa kemitraan strategis dapat dijadikan
instrumen perimbangan kekuatan bagi negara Non Blok dalam menghadapi aliansi
yang lebih kuat. Peneliti menawarkan gagasan jalan tengah – sebagai opsi
keempat – yang disebut dengan bargaining. Dalam bargaining, suatu negara
memanfaatkan bentuk kemitraan strategisnya dengan sejumlah kekuatan besar
sedemikian rupa hingga dapat melemahkan kredibilitas aliansi yang mendukung
negara rivalnya. Untuk menjelaskan gagasan itu, disajikan studi kasus rivalitas
Indonesia dan Malaysia dalam penguasaan Blok Laut Ambalat. Malaysia yang
tergabung dalam aliansi Five Powers Defense Arrangement (FPDA) telah
menyebabkan kekuatannya superior dari Indonesia. Indonesia dengan politik
bebas aktif-nya tidak mungkin beraliansi dengan kekuatan lain untuk
mengimbangi FPDA. Namun Indonesia telah menjalin kemitraan strategis dengan
Tiongkok, Amerika Serikat dan Australia yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai
Kata kunci:
Perimbangan Kekuatan, Aliansi, Non Blok, Kemitraan Strategis, Bargaining
This dissertation is devoted to finding more appropriate solution for the weaker
Non-Aligned states in the face of stronger alliances threat. Today’s Balancing of
Power theory from Morgenthau, Waltz and Walt only offer badwagoning and
bargaining solutions - both of which are unsatisfactory for weaker non-aligned
states. While Kuik offers hedging solution in which on urgent situations still
directs to the formation of the alliance.
This study examines the concept of balance of power through qualitative research
methods with data collection technique of literature studies, interviews, and case
study within the framework of inductive thinking.
The results of this study concluded that strategic partnerships can be used as
instrument of balance of power for the weaker Non-Aligned states in the face of
stronger alliances. Author offers middle way solution - as a fourth option - the socalled
bargaining. In bargaining, a state takes advantage of its strategic
partnerships with a number of great powers such a way that could undermine the
credibility of the alliance that supports rival state(sw). To explain the idea, this
dissertation presents a case study of rivalry between Indonesia and Malaysia in
the control Ambalat Sea Block. Malaysia with its Five Powers Defense
Arrangement (FPDA) alliance has caused its strength superior than Indonesia.
Indonesia with its free and active politics is not possible to build alliance with
other forces to compensate FPDA. However, Indonesia has strategic partnerships
with China, the United States and Australia, which can be used as a counteralliance.
Balance of Power, Alliance, Non aligned, Strategic Partnerships, Bargaining
This dissertation is devoted to finding more appropriate solution for the weaker
Non-Aligned states in the face of stronger alliances threat. Today’s Balancing of
Power theory from Morgenthau, Waltz and Walt only offer badwagoning and
bargaining solutions - both of which are unsatisfactory for weaker non-aligned
states. While Kuik offers hedging solution in which on urgent situations still
directs to the formation of the alliance.
This study examines the concept of balance of power through qualitative research
methods with data collection technique of literature studies, interviews, and case
study within the framework of inductive thinking.
The results of this study concluded that strategic partnerships can be used as
instrument of balance of power for the weaker Non-Aligned states in the face of
stronger alliances. Author offers middle way solution - as a fourth option - the socalled
bargaining. In bargaining, a state takes advantage of its strategic
partnerships with a number of great powers such a way that could undermine the
credibility of the alliance that supports rival state(sw). To explain the idea, this
dissertation presents a case study of rivalry between Indonesia and Malaysia in
the control Ambalat Sea Block. Malaysia with its Five Powers Defense
Arrangement (FPDA) alliance has caused its strength superior than Indonesia.
Indonesia with its free and active politics is not possible to build alliance with
other forces to compensate FPDA. However, Indonesia has strategic partnerships
with China, the United States and Australia, which can be used as a counteralliance.
Balance of Power, Alliance, Non aligned, Strategic Partnerships, Barg
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