Pengaruh Citra dan Sikap Merek terhadap Ekuitas Merek dan Dampaknya terhadap Kepuasan dan Loyalitas Pelanggan
Era globalisasi yang melanda dunia menjanjikan suatu peluang dan tantangan, disatu sisi memperluas pasar produk, pasar barang dan jasa yang semakin terbuka dan lebih mudah dimasuki serta lebih inovatif. Disisi lain keadaan tersebut menimbulkan persaingan yang semakin tajam, intensitas persaingan semakin tinggi. Tuntutan konsumen semakin meningkat akan produk yang bermutu dan layanan yang baik, pemasaran saat ini bukan sekedar pertempuran produk atau jasa, tetapi merupakan pertempuran merek melalui persepsi konsumen. Para menejer menyadari suatu kebutuhan untuk mengekploitasi sepenuhnya aset-aset perusahaan untuk memaksimalkan kinerja perusahaan dan mengembangkan keuntungan kompetitif yang berkelanjutan (sustainable competitive advantage) berlandaskan kompetisi nonharga yang salah satunya melalui merek yang merupakan aset perusahaan yang paling penting dan berharga. Salah satu industri yang memiliki potensi besar memanfaatkan kekuatan merek adalah industri perbankan, khususnya dalam menghadapi persaingan yang semakin tajam baik dengan bank lokal ataupun bank asing. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh dari sikap merek dan citra merek terhadap ekuitas merek di industri perbankan dan dampaknya terhadap kepuasan dan loyalitas nasabah bank berdasarkan persepsi nasabah bank. Kepuasan nasabah yang merupakan pra-kondisi untuk menciptakan nasabah yang loyal merupakan tujuan yang ingin dicapai pemasar dimana di industri perbankan nasabah cenderung tidak loyal. Membangun loyalitas melalui citra merek dan sikap merek melalui ekuitas merek dan kepuasan merupakan alternatif solusi untuk adanya kecenderungan tidak loyalnya nasabah di industri perbankan. Pengukuran dilakukan terhadap variabel-variabel penelitian sikap merek, citra merek, ekuitas merek, kepuasan dan loyalitas, dengan menentukan seberapa besar pengaruhnya satu sama lain. Analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis diskriptif untuk variabel yang bersifat kualitatif dan analisis verifikatif berupa pengujian hipotesis dengan menggunakan uji statistik untuk yang bersifat kausalistis dengan alat analisis structural equation model (SEM). Unit analisis adalah nasabah bank. Jumlah sampel yang terpilih secara acak sebanyak 400 nasabah dan yang digunakan dalam analisis sebanyak 347 nasabah sebagai nasabah yang valid untuk analisis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sikap merek dan citra merek mempengaruhi ekuitas merek tetapi tidak berpengaruh langsung terhadap kepuasan. Namun sikap merek dan citra merek berpengaruh tidak langsung terhadap kepuasan dengan pengaruh citra merek lebih besar daripada sikap merek. Karena kepuasan berpengaruh terhadap loyalitas maka berdasarkan analisis dapat disimpulkan, sikap merek dan citra merek berpengaruh tidak langsung terhadap loyalitas melalui ekuitas merek dan kepuasan. Hasil lain menunjukkan peranan asosiasi merek yang membentuk citra merek memegang peranan penting dalam membangun ekuitas merek, kepuasan dan loyalitas nasabah bank.
The globalization era which touches almost every human being has been promising an opportunity and challenge. On the one hand, it is broadening the product market, services and goods market which is more open and more accessible as well as more innovative. On the other hand, globalization era is increasingly creating tight competition. Consumers' demand of high quality goods and better service have made today's market not only a place where products and services compete with one another but also a venue where brands compete among themselves from the perspective of consumers. Managers of companies were aware of the need to make full use of their assets in order to maximize companies' performance and to develop sustainable competitive advantage which were not based on the price competition but on the brand which was considered as one of the most significant and precious assets possessed by the companies. One of the industries that took advantage of the strength of brand was banking especially when faced with increasing competition between local banks and foreign banks. This research was aimed at analyzing the influence of brand attitude and brand image on the brand equity in the banking industry and their effects on the customers' satisfaction and loyalty from the clients' point of view. Customers' satisfaction which is a prerequisite to creating customers' loyalty serves as the goal that marketers want to reach because banks' customers tend not to be loyal with the banks. Developing customers' loyalty through brand attitude, brand image, brand equity as well as satisfaction is one of the alternative solutions to improve customers' loyalty to banking industry. The variables measured were brand attitude, brand image, brand equity, satisfaction and also loyalty. The purpose was to know how far the influence to one another. For qualitative variable the writer used descriptive analysis, test of hypothesis with the use of statistical test, verification analysis was used whereas the writer used structural equation model (SEM) to analyze causality analysis. The analysis unit was banks' customers. The number of samples chosen randomly was 400 customers and there were only 347 customers validly analyzed. The result of the research showed that brand attitude and brand image had impact on brand equity but they did not directly affect customers' satisfaction and it was the brand image that had the bigger effect. Because satisfaction influenced customers' loyalty the writer could draw a conclusion that brand attitude and brand image did not directly affect customers' loyalty through brand equity and satisfaction. The other result of the research showed that brand association role that shaped brand image played an important role in building up brand equity, satisfaction, and loyalty of banks' customers.
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