Analisis Kinerja Ekspor Sektor Pertanian dan Sektor Industri Yang Memiliki Keunggulan Komparatif dan Peranannya Dalam Produk Domestik Regional Bruto (PDRB) di Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis (1) Komoditi ekspor kopi, kakao, kayu lapis dan nikel yang memiliki keunggulan komparatif. (2) Pola dan arah ekspor provinsi Sulawesi Selatan. (3) Efek pertumbuhan ekspor dunia, daya saing, distribusi pasar dan efek komposisi komoditi (4) Pengaruh harga ekspor dan pendapatan negara pengimpor terhadap kuantitas ekspor, (5) Pengaruh ke empat komoditi ekspor terhadap Produk Domestik Regional Bruto PDRB Sulawesi Selatan. a. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kuantitatif. Data yang digunakan adalah data skunder. Komoditi yang diteliti adalah komoditi ekspor kopi, kakao, kayu lapis dan nikel. Analisis data yang digunakan: Shift Share Analysis (SSA), Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA), Index Revealed Comparative Advantage (IRCA) The log Variance Method, Average Fluctuation Method, Indeks Konsentrasi Pasar (IKP) Indeks Konsentrasi Komoditi (IKK) Constant Market Share (CMS) dan Partial Adjustment Model (PAM).b. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) Shift Share Analysis SSA, Ekspor kopi, kakao, kayu lapis dan nikel termasuk komoditi utama karena pangsa ekspor lebih besar dari 1 (satu) terhadap total ekspor Sulawesi Selatan dan juga termasuk komoditi andalan karena ke empat komoditi tersebut rata-rata lebih besar dari 1 (satu) terhadap total ekspor yang sama pada tingkat nasional; (2) Nilai Revealed Comparative Advantage RCA dan Index Revealed Comparative Advantage IRCA untuk komoditi kopi, Kakao, kayu lapis dan nikel kecil dan berfluktuasi dengan kecenderungan meningkat; (3) Instabilitas ekspor kopi memiliki secara rata-rata paling tinggi baik nilai, volume maupun harga; (4) Indeks Konsentrasi Pasar IKP ekspor ke empat komoditi pada kisaran 0,4 sampai 0,6, yang berarti semakin meluasnya pasar komoditi tersebut. Indeks Konsentrasi Komoditi IKK Sulawesi Selatan relatif lebih kecil dan pola yang cenderung beraturan dan merata; (5) Constant Market Share CMS untuk periode 1992-2002, efek distribusi pasar, dan efek daya saing bernilai negatif, sedangkan efek pertumbuhan dan efek komposisi komoditi bernilai positif. Secara akumulasi, nilainya kecil sehingga keseluruhan ekspor periode ini positif (6) Hasil analisis PAM menunjukkan bahwa harga ekspor dan pendapatan negara pengimpor tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap kuantitas ekspor; (7) Ekspor ke empat komoditi secara bersama-sama yaitu kopi, kakao, kayu lapis dan nikel berpengaruh signifikan terhadap penerimaan PDRB.
The objectives of this research are to know and analyze (1) the export commodities, namely coffee, cacao, plywood, and nickel which having comparative advantage; (2) The export pattern and direction of the commodities, i.e. coffee, cacao, plywood, and nickel; (3) the effect of the international export growth, competitiveness, market distribution and the effect of commodity composition; (4) the influence of the income and export cost by importers concerning export quantity; and (5) the influence of the superior export toward Gross Regional Domestic Product GRDB of South Sulawesi.c. This research is designed as a descriptive quantitative research. The export commodities focused on: Coffee, Cocoa, Plywood, and Nickel. The data was analyzed by using Shift Share Analysis (SSA), The Log Variance Method, Average Fluctuation Method, Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA), Index Revealed Comparative Advantage (IRCA) The log Variance Method, Average Fluctuation Method, Market Concentration Index (MCI) Commodity Concentration Index(CCI) Constant Market Share (CMS) dan Partial Adjustment Model (PAM). As a result, it is shown that: (1) The SSA describe the contribution of the four export commodities i.e. coffee, cacao, plywood, and nickel which are considered as main commodities due to the export share is larger than 1 (one) to the total export of South Sulawesi and they are as superior since the average of the four commodities is larger than 1 (one) to the same total export at national level; (2) The RCA and IRCA value for the four commodities are insignificant and fluctuated which tend to be increased; (3) The instability of the four export commodities, coffee export having export instability on the average of the highest cost, volume, even the value; (4) The MCI of the four export commodities increasingly stable on 0,4 to 0,6 which is meant that the commodity market extend considerably. The CCI of South Sulawesi relatively insignificant and the pattern tend to be arranged and be spread evenly; (5) The CMS analysis in the period of 1992-2002, the effect of the market distribution, the effect of the competitiveness having negative value, while the effect of the commodities growth and composition having positive value. Accumulatively, the value is considered insignificant so that the whole exports in this period are considered positive; (6) The PAM analysis indicated that export cost and income of the importers are not influenced significantly to export quantity; (7) As a whole, the four export commodities, i.e. coffee, cacao, plywood, and nickel are significantly influenced to the Gross Domestic Regional Bruto GDRB.
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