Analisis Biaya Produksi dan Penetapan Harga Tandan Buah Segar (TBS) Kelapa Sawit serta Pengaruh Pemasarannya terhadap Petani di Propinsi Bengkulu
Maksud penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui : 1). Perbedaan biaya produksi, pendapatan, keuntungan dan harga tandan buah segar (TBS) kelapa sawit pada berbagai umur tanaman, 2) pengaruh pelaksanaan penetapan rendemen CPO (RCPO) dan rendemen inti sawit (RIS) oleh tim terhadap harga TBS, 3) perbedaan harga yang ditetapkan oleh tim dan harga yang ditetapkan oleh perusahaan besar suasta (PBS), 4) pengaruh harga TBS dan biaya produksi terhadap petani dalam memasarkan TBS kelapa sawit, 5) peran koperasi dalam pembelian dan transportasi TBS serta pengaruhnya terhadap harga TBS ditingkat petani. Pengumpulan data primer dilakukan pda bulan Maret sampai Mei 2004 dengan mewawancarai 97 responden di Propinsi Bengkulu. Analisis yang digunakan adalah regresi linier berganda, t-test, korelasi Pearson, dan model logit. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa : 1) terdapat perbedaan yang sangat nyata pada biaya produksi, keuntungan dan harga TBS pada berbagai umur tanaman. 2) dari hasil analisis RCPO, RIS dan umur tanaman data hasil penelitian dan yang ditetapkan oleh tim didapatkan bahwa; (a) terdapat hubungan yang sangt erat antara RCPO, RIS dan umur tanaman dengan Harga TBS hasil penelitian, (b) RCPO, RIS dan umur tanaman yang ditetapkan oleh tim secara bersama-sama berpengaruh sangat nyata terhadap harga TBS, (c) terdapat perbedaan yang sangat nyata antara RCPO hasil penelitian dengan RCPO yang ditetapkan oleh tim, (d) terdapat perbedaan yang tidak nyata antara RIS hasil penelitian dengan RIS yang ditetapkan oleh tim, (e) terdapat perbedaan yang sangat nyata antara harga TBS hasil penelitian dengan harga TBS yang ditetapkan oleh tim. 3) terdapat perbedaan yang sangat nyata antara harga TBS yang ditetapkan oleh PBS dan harga TBS yang ditetapkan oleh tim. 4) harga TBS dan biaya produksi sangat mempengaruhi aktivitas petani untuk melakukan : penjualan kebun, pelibatan petani dalam penetapan harga, penyimpangan penjualan TBS, penjualan TBS ke PBS, penghitungan biaya produksi, dan waktu pembayaran kredit. 5) cepat tidaknya pengangkutan TBS ke pabrik pengolahan kelapa sawit, biaya transportasi, waktu pembagian uang hasil penjualan TBS, kapasitas alat angkut dan jumlah alat angkut sangat nyata mempengaruhi harga TBS. Penetapan harga TBS kelapa sawit yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan besar swasta (PBS) selalu lebih tinggi dari harga TBS yang ditetapkan oleh tim, hal ini yang mendorong petani melakukan penyimpanan-penyimpangan dalam penjulan TBS seperti menjual TBS ke PBS padahal angsuran kredit belum lunas, menitipkan TBS ke petani plasma yang umur tanamannnya lebih tua, petani plasma membeli TBS ke petani non plasma dengan harga yang lebih rendah, 59,79% petani plasma kelapa sawit sudah menjual kebunnya.
This objectives of this research are to find out; 1) For some of different ages of oil palm plants, there were some differences related to cost of production, revenue, profit and the price of oil palm, 2) the effect of fixing oil content by the team and its actual content related to the price, 3) the different of prices fixing by the team and the price determined by the private oil palm enterprise, 4) the effect of oil palm prices and its cost of production opon the farmers in selling their fresh-bunch oil palm, and 5) the role of cooperative in its effect upon the farm gate prices. The primary data for this research was collected from March to May 2004 by interviewing 97 respondents in Bengkulu Propince. Analysis using are; multiple regression analysis, t-test, Pearson corellation, and logit model. The results of this study indicated that ; 1) For some of different ages of oil palm plants there were significant differences related to cost of production, price of fresh-bunch of oil palm, cost of production and revenue per unit, 2) From the new points of crude palm oil content (RCPO) and kernel oil content (RIS), plant age the data provided by this study as well as by the team indicated that ; (a) there were a close relationships between RCPO, RIS and plant age with the price of fresh-bunch oil palm, b) RCPO, RIS and plant age fixing by the team simultaneously affected significantly upon the price of fresh-bunch oil palm. (c) there were a significant difference between RCPO fixing by the team and the actual RCPO, d) there were a non significant differences between kernel oil content (RIS) fixing by the team and the actual RIS from this study, e) there were a significant difference between the price of fresh-bunch oil palm fixing by the team and the price based on its RCPO and RIS, 3) There were a significant difference between the price of fresh-bunch oil palm fixing by the team and the actual price provided by the private oil palm enterprise, 4) the price of fresh-bunch oil palm and its cost of production significantly affected the farmers; to sale their oil palm farm , the involvement of the farmers in price determination, the their oil palm manipulation of fresh-bunch oil palm prices, selling proces of, the way the farmers determined the cost of production of their oil palm , the period of the credit paid off, time spend for transportation of fresh-bunch oil palm to the precessing factory, 5) the role cooperative included ; transportation, the time spend for transportation of fresh-bunch oil palm to the processing factory, spatial distance between the pooling location and processing factory, cost of transportation, time-lag between receiving money by co-op and its distribution to the oil palm farmers, transportation capacity, number of transportation facilities, all were related significantly upon the price of fresh-bunch oil palm. Price determination of oil palm by the private oil palm enterprise was always higher than the price fixing by the eam. This was the reason why the farmers motivated for not selling their oil palm to its nucleous estate enterprise, but to the private others although the farmers still could not pay off their credit. The farmers leave their oil palm to the other farmers whose oil palm plant were older. The plasm farmers bought fresh-bunch oil palm from non-plasm farmers with the lower price. Number of 59,79 percent of the oil palm farmers had sold their farm to other people.
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