Pengaruh Dukungan Sosial Dan Resiliensi Terhadap Kecenderungan Relapse Korban Penyalahgunaan Napza
Penelitian tentang “Pengaruh Dukungan Sosial dan Resiliensi Korban Penyalahgunaan NAPZA terhadap kecenderungan Relapse adalah penelitian kuantitatif bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana pengaruh dukungan sosial terhadap resiliensi dan pengaruh resiliensi terhadap kecenderungan relapse korban penyalahgunaan NAPZA. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori resiliensi dari Reivitch & Shatte, teori dukungan sosial dari House dan Kahn dan kecenderungan relapse
Responden penelitian sebanyak 66 orang yaitu klien yang sedang mengikuti rehabilitasi sosial pada PSPP Galih Pakuan, tidak mengalami dual diagnostik dan bersedia dijadikan responden penelitian. Alat pengumpulan data utama menggunakan angket untuk ketiga variabel yang diteliti dan untuk melengkapi data dilakukan observasi, wawancara dan studi dokumentasi. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis jalur (Path Analysis)
Variabel penelitian meliputi dukungan sosial, resiliensi dan kecenderungan relapse. Variabel dukungan sosial dianalisis dengan dimensi, emosional, informasional, instrumental dan penilaian/penghargaan. Variabel resiliensi dianalisis dengan dimensi emotional regulation, optimism, impuls control, analysis causal, self efficacy, reaching out, dan emphaty. Variabel kecenderungan relapse dianalisis dengan dimensi anxiety and intention to use drug, emotional problem, compulsive for drug, positive expectancies and lack of control for drug, negative expectancies for drug dan insight into one’s own drug problem
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dukungan sosial berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap resiliensi korban penyalahgunaan NAPZA, semakin tinggi dukungan sosial maka semakin tinggi resiliensi dan resiliensi berpengaruh terhadap kecenderungan relapse korban penyalahgunaan NAPZA, semakin tinggi resiliensi maka semakin rendah kecenderungan relapse korban penyalahgunaan NAPZA. Pada penelitian ini ditemukan, dukungan sosial yang diberikan keluarga di persepsi negatif oleh klien sehingga dukungan sosial keluarga tidak meningkatkan resiliensi korban penyalahgunaan NAPZA. Berdasarkan temuan tersebut maka peneliti membuat sebuah rancangan model Psikoedukasi untuk meningkatkan dukungan sosial dan resiliensi korban penyalahgunaan NAPZA dengan tujuan menurunkan kecenderungan relapse klien setelah mengikuti proses rehabilitasi sosial.
Key word : Dukungan sosial, resiliensi, relapse dan korban penyalahgunaan NAPZA
Research on "The Impact of Social Support and resilience toward the relapse tendency of Drug Abuser” is a quantitative study aimed to determine the extent of the influence of social support on the resilience and how the resilience influence relapse tendency among victims of drug abuse. The theories drawn on the research is the Reivitch & Shatte’s theory on Resilience and the House and Kahn’s theory on social support and the tendency of relapse.
As many as 66 respondents were the clients of PSPP Galih Pakuan who were undergoing their social rehabilitation process, did not encounter with a dual diagnostic and willing to be the respondent of the research. The main data collection tools employed were questionnaires to all three studied variables; and to enrich the data collected, observation, interview, and documentation study were also utilized. The employed model of data analysis on this research were path analysis.
The research variables were comprising social support, resilience and tendency to relapse. The social support variables were analyzed with the dimensions of it, such as emotional supports, informational, instrumental, and valuation or appraisal. The resilience were analyzed with the dimensions of emotional regulation, optimism, impulse control, causal analysis, self-efficacy, reaching out, and empathy. While the relapse tendency variable were analyzed according to its aspects such as anxiety and intention to use drug, emotional problems, compulsive for drug, positive expectancies and lack of control for drug, negative expectancies for drug and insight into one's own drug problem.
The results of the study revealed that social support significantly influenced the resilience of the victims of drug abuse, the higher the social support, the higher the resilience; and the resilience impact on relapse tendency of the victims of drug abuse, the higher the resilience, the lower the tendency of them to relapse. This study also found that, the provided family social support negatively perceived by the client did not increase the resilience of the victims of drug abuse. Based on these findings, the researchers built a model of psycho-education plan to improve social support and resilience of the victims of drug abuse in order to decrease the tendency of clients to relapse after following the process of social rehabilitation.
Key word : Social support, resilience, relapse and drug abuser
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