Implementasi Program Mitigasi Perubahan Iklim Serta Manfaatnya (Co-Benefit) Di Kota Bandung (Studi Kasus Sektor Transportasi) Climate Change Mitigation In The Transport Sector And Selected Co-Benefits In Bandung City, Indonesia
Kebijakan iklim memiliki pengaruh yang kuat terhadap proses kebijakan di tingkat nasional di Indonesia. Sementara kebijakan lainnya dengan fokus pada peningkatan kualitas udara juga dilaksanakan di tingkat lokal. Indonesia telah berkomitmen untuk mengurangi emisi gas rumah kaca (GRK) sebesar 29 persen pada tahun 2030. Menjadi sebuah pertanyaan sejauh mana kota-kota dan pemerintah daerah dapat mengatasi tantangan mitigasi perubahan iklim di sektor transportasi saat ini. Kota Bandung sebagai contoh kasus. Tujuan penelitian untuk memahami peran dari keragaman karakteristik-karakteristik aktor serta faktor-faktor kontekstual dari kebijakan mitigasi perubahan iklim di sektor transportasi dan tata kelola di Kota Bandung.
Pertanyaan penelitian adalah bagaimana karakteristik-karakteristik aktor, interaksi antar aktor serta faktor-faktor kontekstual berpengaruh terhadap implementasi program mitigasi perubahan iklim di sektor transportasi serta bagaimana manfaat tambahan yang didapat dari implementasi program yang ada? dan bagaimana kebijakan di sektor ini dapat ditingkatkan? Desain penelitian melibatkan studi kasus empiris tentang tata kelola dan kebijakan yang relevan dengan upaya perubahan iklim untuk menurunkan GRK. Kerangka kerja berbasis-aktor dari Contextual Interaction Theory (CIT) digunakan dalam studi ini. Tata kelola dan karakteristik pemangku kepentingan dianalisis menggunakan konteks struktural yang merupakan bagian dari kerangka kerja CIT yaitu Governance Assessment Tool (GAT). Survei kesediaan pengguna kendaraan untuk menggunakan mode transportasi dan perilaku perjalanan memperkaya analisis evaluasi kebijakan yang dilakukan.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kebijakan peningkatan kualitas udara lebih banyak diimplementasikan terpisah dari kebijakan iklim. Kebijakan peningkatan kualitas udara dilakukan di tingkat lokal dan kebijakan iklim beroperasi di tingkat pusat. Penting untuk diperhatikan bahwa kebijakan dalam mengurangi emisi gas rumah kaca tidak sesuai dengan apa yang ditetapkan oleh pemerintah. Studi ini menemukan bahwa program mitigasi dipilih berdasarkan aspek pengetahuan, sumber daya, dan kekuatan yang ada. Secara umum, kebijakan yang mendorong pengurangan emisi gas rumah kaca merupakan proses interaksi multi-aktor. Angkutan Kota, Trans Metro Bandung dan uji emisi kendaraan dirasakan oleh para aktor dapat mengurangi emisi gas rumah kaca.
Secara umum, berdasarkan tatakelola masih terdapat beberapa hambatan. Meskipun beberapa perbaikan dan trend positif telah terlihat di tingkat lokal. Penilaian tata kelola program mitigasi
perubahan iklim yang dirasakan dari semua kasus, yang menyulitkan pengembangan program yang sedang berjalan. Aspek jangkauan (extent) berada dalam tingkat rendah menuju sedang, fleksibilitas dari program sangat terbatas serta koherensi dan intensitas pada tingkat moderat.
Dari penilaian kriteria co-benefits untuk ketiga instrumen kebijakan, pendekatan ini lebih relevan bagi transportasi umum, penilaian ini diasumsikan sesuai dengan kondisi sebenarnya. TMB telah memenuhi semua kriteria co-benefits. Paratransit memiliki nilai positif dari kriteria menurunkan emisi gas rumah kaca, manfaat reduksi energi dan kelestarian lingkungan, serta tujuan pembangunan. Tes emisi kendaraan memenuhi kriteria keberlanjutan dan kelayakan teknis.
Survey terkait keinginan menggunakan berbagai alternatif mode transportasi ditemukan korelasi positif antara pilihan menggunakan pengguna kendaraan dengan persepsinya untuk mengurangi emisi GRK. Korelasi negatif terjadi antara pengguna kendaraan dengan persepsinya terhadap isu emisi GRK dan kebijakan mitigasi perubahan iklim. Keinginan untuk menggunakan moda transportasi sebagian besar lebih bergantung pada kepemilikan kendaraan. Frekuensi penggunaan moda transportasi mendorong pengguna kendaraan menjadi terbiasa dan hal ini ditentukan dari keinginan untuk mengurangi penggunaan kendaraan pribadi atau meningkatkan penggunaan transportasi umum. Peneliti percaya bahwa kebijakan untuk mendorong penggunaan transportasi umum akan terhambat oleh pengguna kendaraan pribadi yang biasa dilakukan. Terdapat tiga faktor penting dalam menggunakan mode perjalanan, yaitu cepat, aman, dan nyaman. Kontributor kedua yang mempengaruhi penggunaan transportasi umum adalah faktor ongkos yang rendah dan sulitnya memiliki kendaraan pribadi. Keinginan untuk menggunakan kendaraan pribadi lebih mendorong kebutuhan responden karena memiliki beberapa tujuan perjalanan.
Skenario kebijakan yang dalam survei ini diwakili oleh peningkatan pajak, peningkatan ongkos parkir, dan kenaikan harga bahan bakar menjadi variabel perilaku perjalanan. Semua responden menerima bahwa kenaikan bahan bakar dapat mengintervensi dan mengurangi penggunaan kendaraan pribadi. Kenaikan harga bensin dapat mendorong responden untuk menggunakan transportasi umum dan diharapkan dapat mengurangi konsumsi bensin. Manfaat akhirnya bagi peningkatan ekonomi nasional kepada masyarakat dan bagi lingkungan.
Kesimpulan akhir memperlihatkan bahwa kerangka interaksi antar-aktor yang dinamis yang berada dalam kebijakan perubahan iklim, khususnya mitigasi di sektor transportasi menunjukkan beberapa program dapat menurunkan emisi GRK. Namun demikian aspek tata kelolanya masih terbatas walaupun telah terdapat perbaikan. Program-program tersebut akan sulit untuk berhasil membantu mengurangi emisi GRK bila aspek-aspek perilaku para aktor terutama pengguna kendaraan pribadi masih tidak dapat dikelola dengan baik.
Kata kunci: mitigasi perubahan iklim, emisi gas rumah kaca, polusi udara, kualitas tata kelola, co-benefits
Climate policy has a strong influence on policy processes at the national level in Indonesia. Meanwhile, other policies that focus on air quality improvement are also being implemented at local levels. Indonesia has committed to reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 29 percent by 2030. This calls into question the extent to which cities and local governments can cope with the challenges of the current transport sector climate change mitigation programmes. Bandung City is one example. The main objective of this study is to contribute to the understanding of the role of a multiplicity of actor characteristics and contextual factors in the transport sector climate change mitigation policies and governance in Bandung City.
The main research question is: - how do actor characteristics, interaction between actors and contextual factors influence the implementation of climate change mitigation in the transport sectors and contribute to selected co-benefits? And based on this: - how can climate change mitigation policies in the transport sector be improved? The research design employed an empirical case study on governance and policy relevant to climate change efforts to lower GHG emissions in Bandung City. The study evaluated the climate change mitigation programmes and the air quality improvements using the actor-based framework of the Contextual Interaction Theory (CIT). The governance and stakeholder characteristics of climate change mitigation were also analysed with the structural context part of the CIT framework using the Governance Assessment Tool (GAT). A survey of actor’s willingness to use different modes of transport and travel behaviour enriched the policy evaluation.
The results show that air quality improvement policy has been implemented separately from climate policy. The former operates at the local level and the latter at the national level. The actor interaction analysis concluded that a more holistic environmental policy approach would be more efficient in reducing local air pollution and contributing to the mitigation of climate change. It is also confirmed that the policies to reduce GHG emission do not accord with government edicts. This study found that actors have considered and chosen mitigation programmes given the limits of their knowledge, resources, and power. Several policies encouraging reduced GHG emissions require a multi-actor interaction process. Local actors and the provincial level in Bandung City proposed the Paratransit and Car-Free Day programmes to help reduce transport GHG emission. Other programmes, such as the Trans Metro Bandung (TMB) and vehicle emissions tests, were also expected to reduce GHG emissions.
The results of the quality of governance assessment showed that all programmes are supporting climate change mitigation as stipulated by government. The extent to which this was the case was found to be low to moderate; flexibility as restrictive, and coherence and intensity as moderate. In general, these qualities created a context with some limits. However, several improvements and positive trends were apparent at the local level. The governance assessment of the climate change mitigation programmes as perceived by the actors concluded that problems of differing actor perspectives and goals were faced by all cases, which often complicated the development of the operational programmes.
The assessment of co-benefit criteria for three policy instruments found this approach was most relevant to public transport, given the actual condition of the programmes. The TMB as a bus rapid transit met all the criteria of co-benefits. Thus, this programme has had the highest impact in delivering co-benefits. The private sector paratransit system had positive value for the criteria of lowering GHG emissions, energy and environmental sustainability, and achieving development goals. The vehicle emission test met the criteria of sustainability and technical feasibility.
The survey of willingness to use alternative transport modes found a positive correlation between the travel mode choice of vehicle users and their perception on how to lower GHG emissions. A negative correlation existed between vehicle users with their perception of GHG emission issues and policies to mitigate climate change. The intention to use a particular mode of transport was, to a large degree, dependent on a vehicle’s ownership. The frequency of use of one particular transport mode encouraged this use to become habitual and this determined their willingness to reduce the use of private vehicles or increase the use of public transport. As a result, we believe that the policy to encourage the use of public transport will be hindered by the existing use of private vehicles. In the absence of any policy intervention to reduce private vehicles, the programme to raise awareness, and encourage people to use public transport, will experience many obstacles. Three factors were found to be important for travel mode use, namely: speed, safety, and comfort. Secondary contributory factors affecting public transportation use were low-prices and difficulties faced to own and use private vehicles. The intention to use private vehicles was strongly related to user’s needs to access multiple destinations. The policy scenarios represented in this survey covered: increasing taxes, increasing parking prices, and fuel increment as key variables of travel behaviour. However, all respondents accepted that fuel increment would intervene and reduce the use of private vehicles. The results showed that any increase in gasoline prices could encourage use of public vehicles. This policy could reduce gasoline consumption. It would create a national economic benefit by reducing subsidies to society and benefit the environment.
The study concludes that, based on the dynamic actors-interaction framework, climate change policies, especially mitigation in the transportation sector in the city of Bandung, several programmes can reduce GHG emissions. However, governance aspects remain limited, although some programmes have improved. These programmes will be unable to succeed in helping to reduce GHG emissions if the behaviour of actors, especially private vehicle users, are not well managed.
Keywords: climate change mitigation, greenhouse gas (GHG), air pollution, quality of governance, co-benefits
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