Produktivitas Peternakan Sapi Perah Pada Agroekosistem Yang Berbeda (Survey Pada Peternakan Sapi Perah Di Wilayah Kerja KUD Bayongbong Kabupaten Garut)
This study is about the productivity of dairy cattle in different agro-ecosystems in Garut. The purpose of this study was to: (1) studying the effect of different agro-ecosystems on the behavioral characteristics and performance of cattle: feed intake, body weight and the management of the maintenance of dairy cows and livestock productivity, (2) to analyze the simultaneous effect of the consumption of forage, the consumption of concentrate, weight , aged dairy cows and the management of the farm to milk production in the three agro-ecosystems, (3) to analyze the partial affect of forages consumption, the consumption of concentrate, weight, age of dairy cows and the farm management to milk production in the three agro-ecosystems, (4) Comparing the level of efficiency and feasibility dairy farm in the three agro-ecosystems.
The method used in this research is survey method. The location determination is done intentionally (purposive). Data collected for 208 farmers and 308 dairy cows were distributed in three agro-ecosystems, Karangpawitan village Lebakjaya districts with the dryland and rainfed (AES LK-STH) agro-ecosystems. Cintanagara village Cigedug districts dominated the dryland and irrigated fields (AES LK-SI) agro-ecosystems, and Pamalayan village Bayongbong district with the dryland agro-ecosystems and located in or adjacent to the forest (AES-LK-Forest).
The results showed that : 1) Productivity consisting of: (a) The growth of the female calf in AES and AES LK-SI-LK-Forest better (P
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