ABSTRAKR.Drajatno Widi Utomo, NPM 210130130502,Disertasi, 2019, Representasi Tanda Kontradiktif Iklan Rokok Djarumdi Media Televisi Paska pemberlakuan PP.No 109 tahun 2012 . Tim Promotor: Prof. Dr.Engkus Kuswarno.,MS.(Ketua), Prof.Dr.Yasraf Amir Piliang.,MA.(Anggota), Dr.Herlina Agustin., MT.(Anggota), Program PascaSarjana Ilmu Komunikasi, Universitas PadjadjaranDisertasiini dilatarbelakangi adanya kesadaran akan bahaya merokok bagi kesehatan . Pemberlakuan PP. No 109 tahun 2012 memicu produsen rokok untuk melakukan manuver kreatif menciptakan konfigurasi tanda dalam iklan rokokagar mampu mengimbangi makna bahaya merokokbagi kesehatan. Dua kepentingan antara pihak industri rokok dan pihak pemerintahharus direpresentasikan secara paralel dalam iklan rokok. Bagaimanakah representasi tanda kontradiktif pada iklan rokok?Bagaimanakah konstruksi,pola dan makna tanda kontradiktif pada iklan rokok?Penelitianini menggunakan paradigma interpretif pendekatan konstruksionisperspektif semiotika. Komunikasi dipandang sebagai pembangkit makna.Konsep semiotika C.S. Peirce menjadi landasan konseptual utama yang didukung oleh konsep semiotika Saussure, konsep asimilasi-akomodasi-ekuilibrasiJean Piaget, konsep metafor, konsep psikologi gestalt. Data dianalisis mengacu pada kerangka pemikiran hasil sintesa konseptual tradisi semiotika penelitian ilmu komunikasi Data yang dianalisis adalah data iklan rokok merek Djarum,peraturan iklan rokok pada PP. No.109 tahun 2012 dan beberapa peraturan iklan rokok. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1. tanda kontradiktif: dikonstruksikan diluar iklansebagai realitas eksternal. 2.Tanda kontradiktif dikonstruksikan pada iklan sebagai realitas iklan . Pola tanda kontradiktif cenderung menyebar acaknamun disatukan oleh konsep Gestalt tentang similarity. Makna tanda kontradiktif yang bervariasi memiliki kesamaan yaitu makna sehat sebagai bagian identitas merek rokok Djarumyang dikonstruksi melalui konsepmetafora, konsep humor , konsep kebahagiaan, konsep olahraga,dan konsep kepedulian kelestarian alam. Penelitian ini menawarkan alternatif model representasi tanda kontradiktif iklan rokok yang dapat digunakan untuk : menjelaskan makna/pelanggaran tersembunyi iklan rokok terhadap PP.No 109 tahun 2012, dan menjadi model alternatif cara membaca makna tanda-tanda iklan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan melek media dan melek visual.Kata kunci: representasi,tanda kontradiktif, humor, metafor, asimilasi, akomodasi, ekuilibrasi, gestalt,pelanggaran tersembunyi, semiotika, realitas iklan.
vABSTRACTR.Drajatno Widi Utomo, NPM 210130130502, Dissertation, 2019, Representation of Contradictive Sign On Djarum Cigarette Advertising In Television Media In The Post Implementation Government Regulation Number 109 of 2012,Promoter Team: Prof. Dr.Engkus Kuswarno., MS. (Chair), Prof. Dr. Yasraf Amir Piliang., MA. (Member), Dr.Herlina Agustin., MT. (Member), Postgraduate Program in Communication Science, Padjadjaran UniversityThis dissertation was motivated by the awareness of the dangers of smoking to health. Enforcement of PP. No. 109 of 2012 triggered cigarette manufacturers to carry out creative maneuvers to create a sign configuration in cigarette advertisements to be able to offset the danger of smoking to health. Two interests between the cigarette industry and the government must be represented in parallel in cigarette advertising. What is the representation of the contradictivesigns of cigarette advertising? How is the construction, pattern and meaning of contradictivesigns on cigarette advertising?This study uses the interpretive paradigm of the constructionist approach tothe perspective of semiotics. Communication is seen as a generator of meaning. Semiotic concept of C.S. Peirce is the main conceptual foundation supported by the concept of Saussure semiotics, Jean Piaget's concept of assimilation-accommodation-equilibration, the concept of metaphor, the concept of gestalt psychology. The data analyzed refers to the framework of the results of the conceptual synthesis based on the semiotic tradition of communication science research.The data analyzed is the Djarum brand cigarette advertisement, cigarette advertisement regulations on PP. No.109 of 2012 and several regulations on cigarette advertising. The results of the study indicate that : 1. contradictivesigns areconstructed outside advertising as an external reality.2. contradictivesigns are constructed on advertising as the reality of advertising. Contradictivesign patterns tend to spread randomly but are united by the Gestalt concept of similarity. The meaning of the various contradictivesigns has something in common, namely the healthy meaning as part of the Djarum cigarette brand identity which is constructed through the concept of metaphor, the concept of humor, the concept of happiness, the concept of sports, and the concept of caringfor nature. This study offers an alternative model of the contradictivesign of cigarette advertising that can be used to: explain the hidden meaning / violation of cigarette advertisements on PP.No 109 in 2012, and become an alternative model for readingthe meaning of advertising signs to improve media literacy and visual literacy.Keywords: representation, contradictivesigns, humor, metaphor, assimilation, accommodation, equilibration, gestalt, hidden violations, semiotics, advertising reality.
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