Konstruksi Makna Jejaring Sosial Bagi Pengidap Internet Addiction Disorder : Studi Fenomenologi Mengenai Pengalaman Pengidap Internet Addiction Disorder dalam Menggunakan Jejaring Sosial untuk Berinteraksi
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh keberadaan jejaring sosial di internet, yang memudahkan pengguna internet berinteraksi melalui dunia maya. Hal tersebut menimbulkan fenomena internet addiction disorder. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui motif, pengalaman, dan makna jejaring sosial bagi informan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif melalui pendekatan fenomenologi dari Alfred Schutz. Subjek penelitian sebanyak lima orang. Hasil penelitian ini adalah (1) motif pengidap internet addiction disorder menggunakan jejaring sosial terbagi menjadi In order to motivesyaitu untuk berbagi informasi, mendapat teman baru, hiburan, mempermudah komunikasi, untuk berkenalan dengan orang baru dan Because of motives berupa kekhawatiran untuk berkomunikasi, kesulitan mengungkapkan perasaan, tidak percaya diri, ada ajakan teman. (2)Pengalaman pengidap internetaddiction disordermenggunakan jejaring sosial terbagi menjadi pengalaman duka meliputi tidak banyak mendapat permintaan pertemanan, dianggap over sharing (Spam),tidak mendapat respon sesuai harapan, dan pengalaman suka meliputi mendapat teman baru, bergabung dalam komunitas, meningkatkan percaya diri dalam berkomunikasi, menjalin hubungan dengan orang yang dikenal melalui internet. (3) Makna jejaring sosial bagi pengidap internet addiction disorder adalah wadah memperoleh informasi, teman baru, tempat berinteraksi, sarana mengembangkan diri dan sarana hiburan. Kata kunci : internet addiction disorder,konstruksi makna, makna jejaring sosial
ABSTRACT The research was distributed by the existence of social networks on the internet, that make it easier for internet users to interact through virtual worlds. This gives rise to the phenomenon of internet addiction disorder. Aims of this study are for know about motives, experiences, and meanings of social networks for informans. This study uses qualitative methods through phenomenology of Alfred Schutz. The subject of research are five people. The results of this research are (1) the motives of people with internet addiction disorder using the social web is divided into In order to motives is to share information, get new friends, entertainment, facilitate communication, to get acquainted with new people and Because of motives in the form of a concern to communicate, difficulty expressing feelings, not confident, there is call a friend. (2) The experience of people with internet addiction disorder using the social Web is divided into the experience of grief include not many got the request friendship, thought to be over sharing (Spam), got no response expectations, and experiences like includes got new friends, join the community, increase their confidence in communicating, have a relationship with a person who is known through the internet. (3) the meaning of social networking for people with internet addiction disorder is a container to obtain information, make new friends, interact, place the means to develop themselves and the means of entertainment. Key word : internet addiction, meanings construction, meanings of social networking
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