ABSTRAKMuhamad Leo Rizaldy, NPM210103150139, 2015, Peminatan kehumasan Program Diploma III Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Padjadjaran. Dengan laporan tugas akhir berjudul “Proses Public Relations Pada Program Zetizen Goes To School Harian Umum Jabar Ekspres.” Dengan dosen pembimbing bapak Dr. Agus Rahmat, M.Pd.Tujuan dari penulisan Laporan Tugas Akhir ini adalah untuk mengetahui tahap penelitian, perencanaan, pelaksanaan, serta evaluasi pada program Corporate Social Responsibility“Zetizen Goes To School”Metode penulisan dalam membuat Laporan Tugas Akhir ini adalah metode deskriptif, yaitu pengumpulan data sesuai fakta di lapangan melalui observasi, wawancara, hingga studikepustakaan.Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa program Corporate Social Responsibility“Zetizen Goes To School” ini terdiri dari beberapa tahapan. Dimulai dari tahap perencanaan, meliputi penetapan konsep dan tema, penetapan tujuan, serta penetapan target sasaran dan lokasi. Pada tahap pelaksanaan program, meliputi program pada saat kegiatan berlangsung, hingga tahap evaluasi yang meliputi penilaian keberhasilan dari program Zetizen Goes To School ini.Simpulan dan saran dari pengamatan ini adalah Zetizenuntuk lebih meningkatkan proses komunikasi antara seluruh pihak yang terkait agar dapat meminimalisir kesalahan komunikasi pada program-program selanjutnya. Kata Kunci: Tahapan, Corporate Social Responsibility, Zetizen Goes To School.
ABSTRACTMuhamad Leo Rizaldy, NPM210103150139, 2015, Majoring Public Relations Diploma III Faculty of Communications Science University of Padjadjaran. This final report assignment entitled “Public Relations Process of Zetizen Goes To SchoolHarian Umum Jabar Ekspres.” Supervised by Dr. Agus Rahmat, M.Pd.The purpose of this final report is to find out the stageof research, planning, implementation, and evaluation of Corporate Social Responsibilityprogram “Zetizen Goes To School.” The method in this final report is used descriptive method, which is collecting all of data according to the fact in the field through observation, interview, and study of literature. The observations shownthat the Community Development program "ZetizenGoes To School" consists of several stages. Starting from the planning stages, including the determination of the concept and theme, goals, and the setting of targets and target location. At this stage of the implementation, including activites at the time the events took, and also the stages of evaluation that includes assessment of the success of Zetizen Goes To Schoolprogram.Conclusions and suggestions from these observations is Zetizen to further improve the communication process among all partner concerned in order to minimize communication error on subsequent programs. Keyword: Stages, Corporate Social Responsibility, Zetizen Goes To School.
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