Herrendi Satria N, 210110075005. Behavior Phenomenon Amongst Students Watching Porn Movies. Main Supervisor Drs. Mohd. Hussein Nawawi, M.Si. Supervisor companion HM Fakhrudi Akbar, S.Sos.Concentration Marketing Department of Management Communication, Faculty Communication Studies, University of Padjadjaran Jatinangor.
The purpose of this research is to know the behavior phenomenon Amongst Students Watching Porn Movies. Researchers took the case Behavioral Watching porn phenomenon mainly Experience on Attitudes Watching Porn Movies And Motifs, because I wanted to know how the behavior and motives Experience Watching Porn Movies Through a porn film itself.
The method used in this study is a qualitative method with a descriptive qualitative approach. Techniques of data collection through observation and in- depth interviews with Four informants is a porn movie goers in the city of Bandung and Jatinangor.
Research results show that the behavior of watching porn is formed by experience, understanding of the frequency, duration and source of information porn. While the behavior of the communication consists of verbal and non verbal.motif behavior also there watching porn past three motifs, patterns and motifs will now come through the motif can be seen the reason of the behavior itself watching porn.
The conclusion that can be drawn is the behavior of watching pornographic films formed from the experience, understanding, frequency, duration and source information.experienced from getting pleasure, sex education, as an industry, and thoughts. Understanding porn movie as a biological necessity, media entertainment, a spectacle that can stimulate and understanding sex.faktor influenced by the frequency and duration of internal self, the environment, information technology media, religion and type of information sources movie
.divided into earlier sources and sources .conteks while watching porn communication behavior verbally and non-verbally that sentences that contain elements of sex and harsh words are in abundance nonverbal facial and gestural messages while watching movies porno.motif watch watch is divided into three phases, namely the motive of the past, motive and the motive this time would come.
There may forward suggestions deeper assessment of the research related to the phenomenon of watching porn that might previously existing research or the like may be some shortcomings in the discussion related to the research associated with this phenomenon is expected to further broaden the perspective in view of a phenomena that exist around us
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