Penerapan Prinsip Pagar Api oleh Metro TV Pada Talk Show Economic Challenges : Studi Kasus Eksplanatoris Penerapan Prinsip Pagar Api Pada Talk Show Economic Challenges di Metro TV
JOSHUA CHRISTIAN, 210110140167, 2018. Penerapan Prinsip Pagar Api oleh Metro TVpada Talk Show Economic Challenges.Studi Kasus Eksplanatoris Penerapan Prinsip Pagar Api pada Program Talk ShowEconomic Challengesdi Metro TV. Pembimbing utama Dr. Herlina Agustin, S. Sos., MT. dan pembimbing pendamping Efi Fadilah, S. Sos., M. Pd. Program Studi Jurnalistik, Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi, Universitas Padjadjaran, Jatinangor.Penelitianinidisusun dengan tujuanuntukmengetahuipenerapan prinsip pagar api yang dilakukan oleh Metro TVpada talk show Economic Challenges.Peneliti memilih untuk melakukan penelitian ini dikarenakan belum adanya regulasi yang jelas mengenai penerapan prinsip pagar api di lembaga penyiaran di Indonesia.Penelitian menggunakan metodepenelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus ekspalanatoris Robert K. Yin. Subjek penelitian ini adalah redaksi Metro TVyang melakukan produksi talk show Economic Challengesdan objek penelitian program tayangan talk show Economic Challenges. Dalam pengumpulan data, peneliti menggunakan teknik-teknik pengumpulan data dalam bentuk wawancara, observasi, dan studi dokumentasi. Wawancara dilakukan kepada redaksi dan bagian penjualan Metro TV, serta ahli etika kejurnalistikan dari Dewan Pers. Penelitian dilakukan selama periode Feburari sampai dengan September 2018.Berdasarkan hasil wawancara, observasi, dan studi dokumentasi yang peneliti lakukan, didapatkan Metro TVbelum secara baik menerapkan prinsip pagar api dalam tayangan Economic Challengesdengan adanya praktik built-in contentyang dilakukan oleh Metro TVdan kegagalan Metro TVdalam menunjukan identitas dari pengiklan kepada khalayak. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan Metro TVmasih gagal dalam membedakan produk bersponsor dengan produkyang tidak bersponsor di ProgramEconomic Challenges.Kata kunci: Economic Challenges, gelar wicara,Metro TV, pagar api,studi kasus, studi kasuseksplanatoris
vABSTRACTJOSHUA CHRISTIAN. 210110140167. 2018. Implementation of Firewall Principle by Metro TVin Economic Challenges Talk Show. Explanatory Case Study About The Implementation of Firewall in Economic Challenges Talk Show onMetro TV. The main supervisorof this researchis Dr. Herlina Agustin, S. Sos., MT.and the second supervisor is Efi Fadilah, S. Sos., M. Pd.Department of Journalism Studies. Faculty of Communication Science, Padjadjaran University, Jatinangor.The goal of this research is to find how Metro TVimplementing the firewall principlein Economic Challenges talk show program.The reason behind this research is because there is no clear regulation regarding the implementation of firewall principle in broadcasting institutions in Indonesia.This research used qualitative research method withRobert K. Yin’sexplanatory case studies approach.The subjects of this research are the editorial staffs of Metro TV that produce Economic Challenges talk show and the object of this research is the Economic Challenges program. In this research, researcher used interviews, observation,and documentarystudies fordata collecting. Interviews wereconducted on the editor and sales department of Metro TV, also on journalism ethics expert from The Press Council (Dewan Pers). This research was conducted within the period of February to September 2018.According to interviews, observation, and documentary studies, it was found that Metro TV failed to implement the firewall principle on Economic Challenges talk show from the practice of built-in content conducted by Metro TV and the failure ofshowing the identity of advertisers to Economic Challenges audiences.This research also showsthat Metro TV failed to differentiate sponsored products from unsponsored products in the Economic Challenges program
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