Penerapan Sistem Otomasi Unpad Library Management System (ULiMS) Pada Katalogisasi Perpustakaan di Universitas Padjadjaran : Grounded Research di Perpustakaan Fakultas-Fakultas Universitas Padjadjaran
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses penerapan sistem otomasi ULiMSsebagai katalog di perpustakaan fakultas-fakultas Universitas Padjadjaran. Penelitian ini diatarbelakangi dengan fenomena tidak sinkronnya bibliografi dan koleksi yang terdapat di ULiMS, sebagai katalog induk Unpad, dengan katalog orisinil perpustakaan fakultas, khususnya di Fikom Library and Knowledge Center (FLKC). Setelah ditinjau, ketidaksinkronan ini juga terjadi di beberapa perpustakaan fakultas yang sudah menggunakan sistem otomasi sebelum ULiMS. Penulis menggunakan metode penelitian Grounded Theory, metode ini cocok untuk penelitian yang meninjau proses, perbandingan dan tindakan yang dilakukan oleh partisipan selama fenomena berlangsung. Penulis memilih 19pustakawan fakultas dan 3 pustakawan perpustakaan pusat sebagai partisipan. Hasil observasi menunjukkan bahwa ketidaksinkronan koleksi dan bibliografi terjadi karena perpustakaan fakultas sedang migrasi data bibliografi dari katalog orisinil ke ULiMS. Katalog orisinil ini belum mengikuti standar format bibliografi yang resmi, misalnya AACR2 atau MARC. Sehingga, begitu dimasukkan terjadi ketidaksinkronan dengan format deskripsi dan field yang disediakan ULiMS. Proses perubahan katalognya terdiri dari 2 tahap, tahap pertama yaitu proses migrasi data bibliografi ke ULiMSdan tahap kedua ialah pengembangan ULiMS. Perubahan ini mendapat tanggapan positif bagi pustakawan fakultas yang mengolah koleksi secara manual. Pustakawan ini mendapat program otomasi resmi dari Unpad dan pelatihan mengenai katalogisasi.
Kata Kunci: katalog, sistem otomasi, ULiMS.
Deskripsi Alternatif :
This study aims to examine process of implementation a library automation program, which is called ULiMS, in faculties‟ libraries ofUniversitas Padjadajaran. This research was based on a phenomena that occurs in 2017. At that time, the bibliographies and list of collection in union catalog weren‟t sync with original catalog of library‟s faculties, especially Fikom Library and Knowledge Center (FLKC). After observing the libraries in faculties of Universitas Padjadajaran, many of them that already using library automation program were experienced the same issue. The author used Grounded theory as research method, since this method is suitable for any research that examining process, comparison between participants, and their actions when a phenomena occurs. Author picked 22 participants, they are 19 faculties librarians and 3 librarians of central library. The data were gathered by doing observation, interviews, and documentation studies. The result of this research showed that the asynchronous occurred because the libraries of faculties were migrating their bibliographies and collection lists to ULiMS. It‟s now appeared as union catalog in Universitas Padjadajran. The previous catalogs weren‟t following any library official standards such as AACR2 or MARC. Thus the bibliographic description that being input before can‟t match with what being provided in ULiMS. This process conducted through 2 phases, first phase is migrating the collection lists and its bibliographies; the second phase is developing the ULiMS itself. This catalog change received positive responses, particularly from librarians who used traditional way in managing their collections before. These librarians, not only got an official catalog and library automation program, but also get some training about cataloguing and managing a library.
Keywords: Catalog, Automation System, ULiMS
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