The use of internet has become a global problem, especially for adolescents. The use of internet in Indonesia is dominated by them. Internet users have a potential to become internet addicts. An individual who has been addicted to internet may experience some negative impacts that can cause disturbance in daily life. This study was conducted in SMA X Purwakarta to describe internet addiction levels among students of SMA X Purwakarta who were included in the category of adolescents.
The research design of this study was non-experimental quantitative by using descriptives research method. This research involved 138 students of SMA X Purwakarta. The sampling technique used was voluntary sampling. The data were collected by using an online questionnaire that was shared through WhatsApp. The measuring instrument used was Internet Addiction Test (IAT) by Maharani, Prasojo, Hasanudin, and Mahayana (2018) with good level of reliability (α=0.876) and has good validity measuring instruments, namely: Chi-square=0.12, Comparative Fit Index=0.97, RMSEA=0.06, and RMR=0.042.
The result shows that most students of SMA X Purwakarta have mild internet addiction, followed by moderate internet addiction. The lowest percentage was found in the students with normal internet addiction. The factor that affected the students’ internet addiction was the students’ gender. This research did not find any difference on the cause and risk factor on respondents with normal, mild, and moderate internet addiction level which cover age, grade, duration of using internet within a day, purpose of using internet, motivation of using internet, father’s income in a month, mother’s income in a month, owned personal facilitation to access internet, facilitation from school to access internet, impacts felt when accessing internet, respondents’ feelings when there is no internet access or losing internet connection, history of biological disease, and history of psychological disease.
Keywords: internet addiction, internet, adolescents, high school"
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