Analisis Pengendalian Persediaan Bahan Baku Dengan Metode Econimic Order Quantity (EOQ) Pada CV. Trersna Jaya Makmur, Cirebon
competitive. Ability to response the unsatisfied costumer due to lack of performance, lead time and whole of profitability are affected by inventory control. One of most famous inventory management method is Economic Order Quantity or well known as EOQ. This method can use for purchased item or produced item. EOQ model usually use to determine quantity of inventory order by minimizing direct cost of inventory and inverse cost of inventory order.
The identification matters of this research are (1) how the raw material inventory control by using EOQ method in CV. Tresna Jaya Makmur (2) How the resistance of raw material inventory control by using EOQ in CV. Tresna Jaya Makmur (3) How the solution to overcome the obstacle of raw material inventory control by using EOQ in CV. Tresna Jaya Makmur.
This research is case study design research. The method that used in this research is Economic Order Quantity method to control the raw material inventory in CV. Tresna Jaya Makmur, Desa Panembahan Kecamatan Plered Kabupaten Cirebon.
The result of this research shows that the control of raw material inventory in CV. Tresna Jaya Makmur on 2004 – 2010 was decreased, but on 2011 – 2013 was increased. The average of EOQ is 64548 units. Obstacles of raw material inventory control by using EOQ in CV. Tresna Jaya Makmur are (1) Data and report of raw material inventory are inaccurate (2) there is the unexpected demand of items (3) the price of raw material is suddenly change (4) the order time and the arrival time of items are inconstant and the ordered items is not always available in market (5) the limitation of availability inventory space. Solutions to overcome the obstacles of raw material inventory control by using EOQ in CV. Tresna Jaya Makmur are (1) the company must to have the willingness to provide diligent, careful and good ability employee (2) the company have to calculate the re order point to avoid the lack of ordering time, these matters are need to be considered to optimize the cost of inventory (3) the company have to manage the inventory control in warehouse, and the most important matter to be considered is the frequency of raw material purchasing.
Keyword: Economic Order Quantity Method
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