Evaluasi oleh Balai Besar Pengawas Obat dan Makanan di Bandung Dalam Mengawasi Penandaan Kosmetik Kadaluarsa
The title of this research is Evaluation By Drug And Food Control Agency In Bandung In Overseeing Tagging ExpiredCosmetic. The background of the present research was the many infringements in tagging cosmetic, particularly expired cosmetics in West Java. The research used a theoretical basic of evaluation from Nicholas Henry (2004). Some attracting things may be explored at Regulatory Agency Drug and Food in Bandung by using the theory. According to the theory, there are three basic stages in carrying out an evaluation, namely : Choosing the Evaluator, Defining the Problem, and Designing the Evaluators.The research used a qualitative research method because it was intended to investigate in-depth the workings of an organization from its process aspect. The research data was obtained from library and field studies. The informants were selected based on purposive sampling technique. Analysis of the data in this study is conducted with reduction data, presentation data, and conclusion. The examination of data validity in the research used a triangulation source and triangulation technique.The result of this research show that in the framework of evaluation theory by Nicholas Henry (2004) it was due to the lack of understanding and to negligence of the evaluators on the implementation of evaluation, then failure to achieve the purpose of evaluation is cause by the human resource and time and to the working repetitions between evaluation and supervision on expired cosmetic marking. The absence of clear work instructions for the evaluation. Based on the research and the discussion can be concluded that evaluation by Drug And Food Control Agency in Bandung in overseeing tagging expired cosmetic as an agency with a major duty and function of implementing public duties in drug and food supervision has not been going on effectively and efficiently. The evaluators suppose to understand about the evaluation and the clear sanctions towards the omission by the evaluators. Then it should have the specific work instruction to do the evaluation in overseeing tagging expired cosmetic so the evaluation can be work effectively and efficiently. Keywords : Evaluation, Supervisioon, Tagging Cosmetics West Java, Drug And Food Control Agency In Bandung
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