Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Melalui Kelompok Ternak Bebek oleh Bahana Karya Insani
This study on the "Community Empowerment through Livestock Group Duck By
Bahana Karya Insani". Community empowerment programs carried out in the village of
Jelegong District of Rancaekek. Jelegong village was once a village rich in livestock and fish
farming. Most villagers income from livestock carp and tilapia, cattle duck, and rice farming.
As time went on and more and more activities of textile industrial plants in the area around
the village, causing villagers contaminated waste streams. Causing polluted river in
agricultural land and damaged fishery so that the community lost its main livelihood. One of
the main livelihoods that still survive in the village Jelegong namely livestock enterprises
Bahana Karya Insani work as an NGO (Non Governmental Organization) which
focuses on the field of community development industries perform community empowerment
program in the village Jelegong. Community empowerment programs carried out by utilizing
the perpetrators of the duck farm. The perpetrators of the duck farm was given a series of
activities that can be useful in the development of their businesses. An initial agenda to herd
ducks that form a group. The group is a forum for farmers to improve their businesses.
The purpose of this research is to study and know the process of the implementation
of community development activities undertaken by Bahana Karya Insani. With the
implementation of community development activities were better then expected to result in
herd ducks as a container that can be utilized by the community in order to improve their
living standards.
The method used in this research is descriptive research method. Techniques used in
this research is a case study. Data collection techniques used are in-depth interviews and
documentation. Data analysis techniques used are data reduction, categorization, and
conclusion. Informants in this study amounted to 9 (nine) consisting of two (2) implementing
the program, three (3) representatives of the government, and 4 (four)
Results of this research is known that the implementation of community development
programs in the village Jelegong been completed. The program's success is not how many
successful group was formed, but judging from the increase in revenue actors duck farm.
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