Pengembangan Ekonomi Kerakyatan
(Study of Local Government Strategy in Empowerment and Development The
Cooperations in 2014 at Cimahi)". This research brought by the
underdevelopment of most of the cooperatives in Cimahi. A large number of
registered cooperatives in Cimahi does not qualifiy the true condition.
Cooperative activities were still powerless and developed into one of the focal
points in this research. Cooperative, which considered as a pillar of the economy
of Indonesia is an important economic activity which should be considered by the
government in the empowerment and development in order to wealth people. This
title was chosen by researcher’s interest in studying more about the empowerment
and development of cooperatives that implemented by the local governments of
Cimahi in the year 2014.
The method in this research are qualitative approach and descriptive
method. Informants in this research were determined by means of data collections
using purposive method. Data collecting done by library research, field studies
include observation and intense interviews, and documentation.
Based on the results of the research, the strategy of local government
through Dinas Koperasi UMKM Perindustrian Perdagangan dan Pertanian Kota
Cimahi in the empowerment and development of cooperatives in the year 2014
has been done well enough, but still not at its greatest. The government should
optimize the strategies and adjust it with the real condition of people.
Keywords: Government Strategy, Empowerment and Development
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