Kebijakan Luar Negeri Republik Korea Dalam Mencegah Aksi-Aksi Provokatif Dari Republik Demokrasi Rakyat Korea (2008-2011)
As an actor of international relations, South Korea have its own interest and have been determined it’s foreign policy goals, But the achievement of these interest and goals, especially regarding peace stability and security in the Peninsula, often face challenges because of the flux of the Inter-Korean relations after Korean War stopped in 1953. Provocative actions is one of the serious issue and an actions that unwanted by South Korean government. So that, the South Korean government carry out a number of foreign policy actions in deterring North Korea provocation, which in this research focused on 2008-2011 periods. The main theory used in this research is from K.J. Holsti about foreign policy actions, especially about how influence is exercised, and the goals of this research is to identify the tactics of influence that the ROK used in deterring provocative actions from DPRK (2008-2011). This research, also, used methodological research from Robert E. Stake. The outcome of the research shows that ROK exercising it’s influence through six tactics of influence, that is: persuasion, which can be seen from the Inter-Korean Dialogue; the offering of rewards, which can be seen from Vision 3000 thru Denuclearization and Openness, the New Peace Initiative for the Korean Peninsula and the Grand Bargain; the granting of rewards, which can be seen from ROK humanitarian assistance to North; the threat of punishment, which can be seen from South Korea’s global actions; the infliction of non-violent punishment by implementing the May 24 Countermeasures against North Korea, and lastly which is force –even if have not been seriously used by the ROK government, but limited to ROK-US combined military exercises in disputed water- in it’s effort in deterring provocative actions from Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (2008-2011).
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