Strategi Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Kabupaten Karawang dalam Pengembangan Pariwisata Tahun 2015 Studi pada Obyek Wisata Kampung Budaya Gerbang Karawang
This study entitled the Strategy of Cultural and Tourism Department in Kab. Karawang in developing tourism place in 2015 (study at tourism place of Kampung Budaya Gerbang Karawang). This study is motivated by the potential tourism place in Kab. Karawang that has not been optimally managed its existence and has not received a positive response of tourists in visiting it. The purpose of this study is intended to describe and analyze how the Strategy of Cultural and Tourism Department in Kab. Karawang in developing tourism place of Kampung Budaya Gerbang Karawang is. The method of this study is descriptive method with qualitative approach. The data are obtained from the results of the study through library and field study through observation, interviews, and documentation. These result indicate that strategy objective component to the problems faced by the artist and the public in the karawang regency who received less attention and less got the container or a place for creativity, so with the intention that these strategies formed the Kampung Budaya Gerbang Karawang. Enviromental components, internal enviromental conditions, external management of Kampung Budaya Gerbang Karawang there is a shortage in development such as the lack of legislation concerning hygiene, no survey on visitors coming to the area attractions. Componen still limited implemention guidance that resulted in the directions that are not carried out routinely end of the week. Components of the action carried out by promotion the attraction though is the campaign carried out by not maximized, besides repair facilities damaged. Learning components, there are failures and successes in the implementation of the evaluation, the failure to include the promotion has not done wel, while success can be seen the people who rent the building for events. Eventually, based on the results of this study it can be concluded that: Based on the explanation and analysis above, strategy of Cultural and Tourism Department in Kab. Karawang in developing tourism place of Kampung Budaya Gerbang Karawang in 2015 the objective component , the direction was appropriate as a strategy of the development of tourism , while other components such as the environment , action , and learning has not been appropriate. . Keywords: Strategy, Cultural and Tourism Department, Development of Tourism Place, Kampung Budaya Gerbang Karawang
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