Pelaksanaan protokol kesehatan, masalah, dan solusinya dalam perawatan pasien ortodonti di Kota Bandung selama masa pandemi COVID-19
Introduction: The outbreak of the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) pandemic has placed
orthodontists as one of the professions with a high risk of contracting and transmitting
COVID-19 infection. Therefore, it is necessary to implement health protocols based on
infection prevention and control efforts to reduce the risk of cross-infection. PB-PDGI has
published a dental practice guide in the new normal era, but the guide does not specifically
regulate the provisions of orthodontic practice during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study
aims to find out how the description of the implementation of health protocols, problems
and solutions faced in the treatment of orthodontic patients in the city of Bandung during
the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: A quantitative descriptive study to describe the
implementation of health protocols, problems and solutions faced in the treatment of
orthodontic patients in Bandung City during the COVID-19 pandemic. The population of
this study is orthodontic specialist dentists who practice privately in the city of Bandung
and provide orthodontic treatment services during the COVID-19 pandemic. The sampling
method and technique used the saturated sampling method and non-probability sampling
from 32 orthodontists who practiced privately in the city of Bandung during the COVID19 pandemic. Statistical analysis with Pearson's product moment validity test and
Cronbach's Alpha reliability test. Results: Orthodontic specialist dentists in Bandung City
always (66.67%) and often (28.125%) implemented health protocols before the COVID-19
pandemic, always (54.083%) and often (12.583%) faced health protocol problems for
orthodontic patient care with commitment to always (87.946%) and often (11.38%)
implement health protocols, always (66.295%) and often (33.04%) apply health protocols
during the COVID-19 pandemic as a solution to these problems. Conclusion: More than
half of the orthodontist population stated that they always implemented health protocols
before the COVID-19 pandemic, were aware of the problems they faced and always
implemented improved health protocols as a solution to prevent the potential for crossinfection during the COVID-19 pandemic. There are still a small number of other
respondents who stated that they often carry out health protocols according to what has
been determined.
Keywords: Implementation of health protocols, orthodontic patient treatment, COVID-19
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